September 14, 2006

Xena renamed Eris - thank Eris! I couldn't live with a planetoid named after a crappy tv character. Or, indeed, upon one. "The distant world whose discovery prompted leading astronomers to demote Pluto from the rank of "planet" has now been given its own official name."

Eris was the Greek Goddess Discord, beloved of the modern fringe region Discordians. In an early epoch, scintillating Eris was responsible for blasting-off the aberration of the Trojan War, it is said. The new name for this minor planet is therefore entirely appropriate, considering the magnitude of perturbations that now orbit the twilight of Pluto as a planet, in the wake of Eris' ascention. Phew!

  • Watch out! Eris is approaching Uranus! (Had to be done.) (And no, I'm not sorry. In fact, I saved you from having to do it, so, you're welcome.)
  • *looks at her guinea pig named "Puppy" and wonders why naming conventions don't transform things into desired objects* Eris is Olde Squool for "troublemaker."
  • "The distant world whose discovery prompted leading astronomers to demote Pluto from the rank of "planet" has now been given its own official name." Shouldn't it have been named "Yoko?"
  • Am I the only expecting these Dwarf planets to have little horned hats, wield an axe and have a less than friendly dispositon?
  • I think we should call each planet by the name people who live there use.
  • Peoplia? Humania? Usworld? I prefer them being called after Disney characters.
  • I had suggested Scully or Buffy. But they laughed at me. Now every one of those astronomers are gonna pay!!! ** I signed them all up on several mailing lists...that'll learn 'em**
  • The International Astronomical Union isn't nearly as big as it sounds.
  • I too am pleased that it won't be Xena. Eris is a cool name, although 23 Skidoo would have been good too.
  • The International Astronomical Onion, in contrast, is fucking huge.
  • The International Astronomical Union isn't nearly as big as it sounds. It's actually so small you could fit the whole thing... Oh shit we already did a Uranus joke in this thread. *slowly shuffles away*
  • I kind of liked Xena. It was historical and goofy at the same time, which seems, I dunno, appropriate for a planet. Whatever the final moniker, I still think we should call its denizens "Xenauts." When we're not calling "our hated chilly-ass adversaries" that is.
  • fnord
  • Let me out of this thread! Oh wait . . .
  • I still think the planet after Pluto should have been named Goofy.
  • Or because its cold, dim and entirely devoid of thinking beings, we could have named it Bush.
  • OooKay. Then I could tell a Republican that in order to reach Bush, you have to go past Uranus. That's deep Mord, real deep.
  • Better than being named after a euphemism for "dirt".
  • Yes, we need to come up with a cool name for earth. How about PepsiCocaColaNikeSonyGEland.
  • thank Eris! I couldn't live with a planetoid named after a crappy tv character. seconded
  • In other planetary hilarity, nytimes reports that scientists have discovered another surprisingly puffy planet. I propose naming it "Your Mom". Ohhhh snap.
  • If, however, the planet happened to have been named Fonz, there would be no complaints, right?
  • You are aptly named.
  • May the Fonz be with you. And also with you Let us Aaayyyyyyy /Family_Guy
  • I'm still going to think of the planet and its sattalite as Xena and Gabrielle.
  • That would really only be completely apropos of they were, you know, touching.
  • No. No no no no. Kirk & Spock maybe, but not the other. No no no.
  • Xena and Gabrielle isn't slash - it's canon.
  • Loose canon?
  • Canon mudder? Canon fodder!
  • Canon mudder? Canon fodder! Here we are in Camp Grenodda!
  • And they say that we'll have bun if it stops Wayning.
  • So does that mean if Gabrielle's baby had been a boy, he'd be a son of a gun?
  • Hey there are whole planets of dwarfs. Who knew?
  • /cums
  • ... whole planets of dwarfs. Who knew? Snow white gnu?
  • fuckers.