September 10, 2006

"I don't think so..." Remember the Numa Numa song? Well, there's a sequel that's just been released, featuring Gary Brolsma himself. The verdict, courtesy of "Big budget sequels lacking the charm of the original aren't just for Hollywood anymore."
  • And just for context, here's a link to the original Numa Numa video. I wanted to put this in the main post, but apparently I suck at the IntarWebs...
  • Here's a link to where the video is from:
  • And, here's a link to how to destroy your computer , cuz you're gonna want to do just that after about 10 seconds of this!
  • the numa numa guy's totally sold out.
  • I have no idea what Numa Numa is, but I dig Gary Numan.
  • >>the numa numa guy's totally sold out. Doesn't it seem like he could have found a way to sell out for actual money? Instead of... whatever it is that he gets from this?