September 10, 2006
"I don't think so..."
Remember the Numa Numa song? Well, there's a sequel that's just been released, featuring Gary Brolsma himself. The verdict, courtesy of "Big budget sequels lacking the charm of the original aren't just for Hollywood anymore."
And just for context, here's a link to the original Numa Numa video. I wanted to put this in the main post, but apparently I suck at the IntarWebs...
Here's a link to where the video is from:
And, here's a link to how to destroy your computer , cuz you're gonna want to do just that after about 10 seconds of this!
the numa numa guy's totally sold out.
I have no idea what Numa Numa is, but I dig Gary Numan.
>>the numa numa guy's totally sold out. Doesn't it seem like he could have found a way to sell out for actual money? Instead of... whatever it is that he gets from this?