September 07, 2006

Playstation 3 in PAL regions delayed. On top of that, Sony is reducing their expected units produced to only half of their originaly intended numbers for North America and Japan.

The release date for NA and Japan remain November 17th, 2006. However, PAL regions will have to wait till March 2007.

  • Sorry, Japan is schedualed for the 11th, and North America should expect it on the 17th.
  • I may not buy one, especially immediately, but I'm still excited to see what it'll be like. I'm tired of all the purely negative comments on engadget, etc. Yes, sony is screwing up, but I'd still like to see the product.
  • OMG there will be riots in the streets here!
  • It's amusing to see a multinational corporation screw up so royally.
  • Are they creating hype and demand through scarcity? I have no idea.
  • I think they're challenging the idea that there's no such thing as bad press. I work in (what is laughingly called) the 'game industry', and I wouldn't give anybody $600 for a console system. The games don't look like a generational step forward, and as far as I can see the HD stuff is too early. For anybody who's not put off yet, there's the whole 'expensive cables not included' thing... I'm rooting for Nintendo this time out.
  • I must admit although I waited in line for a Jet Black Nintendo DS Lite last Saturday they are a bit behind Sony in some innovations.....
  • Are they creating hype and demand through scarcity? Yes. worked here, dinnit?
  • You realize I'm too terrified to go near 2ch right now....
  • It's becoming increasingly obvious that Sony hates their customers. I don't understand why anyone would willingly pay $600 for what is sure to be a disappointment. No console can live up to that price tag.
  • It's the parents' money - it's not real. So who cares?! Wheee! Let's get high! /old_man_grumpus
  • I must be getting old... the only cool games I play these days are all on the PC.
  • I don't think Minesweeper counts as a game tho, roly.
  • >>It's the parents' money - Okay, that's the other thing- raise your hand if you got $600 Christmas presents when you were a kid. 'Cause I was in my thirties by the time I had accumulated a LIFETIME TOTAL of $600 in Christmas presents.
  • I don't understand why they are sending 4 times as many machines to the states. The population is only twice the size - and I don't think gaming is as popular. Unless this is some kind of scheme to create massive demand in Japan.
  • (another industry lackey here, but i'm speaking on my own behalf; my comments and views are not representative of blah blah etc ianal ymmv etc) if you buy a console at release, you are retarded. it's as simple as that. instead of trying to be an early adopter, find another way to impress your friends. not only are the launch titles going to be slim pickins, but it's going to take developers some time to get used to all this new hardware. also, why do people get so emo about consoles & related 'news'? (ZOMG NETCRAFT CONFIRMS IT!!1!) just relax and be patient, hypercritical internet dorks! you're not shareholders. your console will be ready when it's ready. im sure all the next gen systems will be A-OK. in the meantime, go play liberty city stories (only $20), vice city stories, or maybe some irritating stick.
  • pb - worked here, dinnit? hype yes, demand (in my case) no, but then I'm not a console customer.
  • or maybe some irritating stick. You leave Generalissimo Weenis out of this. Though he does have a four-player adapter and rumble pack.
  • *colasnort*