September 06, 2006

25% of Russians have rumpty pumpty while driving. Amongst other things. (SFW)
  • Fer cryin' out loud kitfisto - the correct term is "rumpy pumpy".... can't wait 'til drivingmenuts sees this post
  • Back off! I live in the Land of The Queen's English - therefore I am free to re-interpret it as I see fit. Now the rest of you go back to dreaming of the days of Empire when your lives had meaning. Fucking pedants!
  • I say, old chap, steady on with the Colonials, innit? (see what I did there?) Don't you mean 'fucking peasants', if they drive Ladas?
  • Pip pip! Point taken. I actually learned to drive in a Lada. Like a big white tank it was.
  • I learned to drive in a Reliant Robin. No, no, it was a Goggomobil.
  • I learned to drive in a Champ. No, I didn't have sex in it while driving. It wasn't a stick.
  • I got pedants in my pants and I need to dance.
  • The picture in the first photo suggests oral sex. So is oral sex now considered to be sex? Much as I was not a fan of Clinton, I never used to think of oral sex as "sex." I mean, if someone said they lost their virginity I assumed they had intercourse. Now, I am wondering if the definitions have changed.
  • Back off! I live in the Land of The Queen's English... *giggles at 'tyres', 'maths'*
  • Look - my school is older than your country. We'll talk any way we please. *snorts at 'math' and 'sidewalk'*
  • maybe someday they'll discover dentistry...
  • Yeah. Old and busted. Le Canada est le nouvel hotness, fuck! *wonders about snorting at 'sidewalk', since, after all, it's for walking on the side*
  • Of course they're careless drivers - they're always rushin'. Get it? Get it? Huh? huh? huh? I took my driver's test in my Grandma's little candy-apple red Cavalier convertible. For about a half hour I was the coolest chick in town.
  • hahaha the good old dentistry joke. White gets so samey.
  • We are not amused! *turns profile, sniffs hanky*
  • Rushin' PAH! Tut tut, TUM Oh, and don't forget to park that candy-apple red convertible in my garage when you're done. Yer GramMa's been missing it! MonkeyFilter: "Put your foot down, Ivan, I've got to be at bingo by 8.30." MonkeyFilter: I got pedants in my pants and I need to dance. MonkeyFilter: Rumpty Pumpty!
  • Rumpty Pumpty sat at the wheel, Volga Olga gave him a feel, All the Queen's English, Through teeth green and bent, Couldn't get Rumpty to watch where he went.
  • heehee! )!
  • Da! Da! Dada?
  • Yes, son, it's me after all these years. When your mother gave you up for adoption, i was against it. She dropped you off at the "Lost and Found" at Kensington Station. Now after all these years...I only have one question for you. Would you like to rejoin the family for 5000 galactic credits?!
  • Your MoFi mind tricks won't work on that one.
  • And the golden bananana goes to Plegmund!
  • Plegmund FTW! Also, there's nothing wrong my teeth, according to one of these photos. I'd be more specific, but Flickr is blocked at work
  • Nice choppers all 'round.
  • fnaar!
  • Oh, no! Russian Down the Road! Rumpitty Bumpitty down the road as Rumpty Pumpty steps on the gas and drives through a wall of the nearest abode all while he pleasures some fair Russian lass
  • hehe. You said "lass".
  • Conclusion: Slovaks don't know dick about driving.