March 03, 2004

Monkey on my mouth Lip balm addicts, depending on who you ask, are either in need of a 12-step program or more lip balm. A serious addiction or a nervous habit? You decide.
  • as I serious and life-long lip balm addict (ask my friends what happens when I can't find my blistex!! ask, I dare you!) I have to say that I have always felt: 1) that I can afford it 2) that it's legal 3) that it's not hurting anyone. so what's the problem, huh??
  • Commie.
  • If I was the editor of that guy who wrote the knight-ridder article, I'd have taken him out back and shot him. Lip balm is not addictive. Suddenly declaring every minor pleasure a person can have "addictive" and pointing to five people's ridiculous compulsions doesn't mean something's addictive... *looks for blistex* Oh shit. Where is it? Crap. I gotta go. I'll finish this comment later.
  • How well I know the heartbreak. It has taken me years to wean my wife off of Bonne Bell Lip Smackers. I'll be in the car with her, driving unsuspectingly, when suddenly my senses will roil under an olfactory tsunami of Wyld Jungle Rapyst Mango or Strawberry Kiwi Vomit or whatever. It's eye-watering, brutal stuff.
  • Labello is the best lip balm ever. Sadly, we can't get it in America.
  • This the best shit. (for when you grow out of blistex, lip smackers, and chapstick.)
  • What did Vaseline ever do wrong? Look at you all there, with yer poncy lip-balms... Vaseline is hardcore. Old skool. Street.
  • Amen, flashboy. I have no less than 4 tubes of Vaseline Lip Therapy at my constant beck and call. But I can quit anytime. Honest.
  • Lip Crack Depot!!! I just found this site & I must say I am QUITE excited. Dr. Zira check out the 'brand' scroll down menu, they carry many Lobello items (which I agree is the best lip balm I have tried, even my husband uses it & he IS NOT AN ADDICT) altho, the stock availability seems a bit sketchy...guess its time for a trip to italy!
  • Sheesh, I went to Italy and I still bought Chapstick. What on earth is wrong with me?!
  • Rose! Grape! Orange! There are flavors of Labello I never knew existed. Thanks, Medusa.
  • Which is more addictive, lip balm, or gay sex? Or gay sex with lip balm?
  • Lay off the is greasy. It lies to you. It betrays you. *shudders*
  • {balmnana}
  • Or gay sex with lip balm? Isn't that what the Vaseline's for?
  • Dr. Zira, I'll send you a case of Labello if you send me a case of Vaseline Lip Therapy. They've stopped selling it in Canada. I've resorted to moistening my lips from a tub of Vaseline. Makes an unsightly bulge in the pocket (insert sexual reference here).
  • I don't like lip balm - but some days my lips bleed if I don't use it. Is there another solution?