August 30, 2006

Rumsfeld says Iraq War Critics Are Cowards Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on Tuesday accused critics of the Bush administration's Iraq and counterterrorism policies of lacking the courage to fight terror. In unusually explicit terms, Rumsfeld portrayed the administration's critics as suffering from "moral and intellectual confusion" about what threatens the nation's security. In other news, reality turns out to be optional.

I was interested to see this disappear off CNN's top stories, and the entire homepage in 3 hours. This is from the International version. He's still getting paid, you know? Wow.

  • He needs to be hanged. Preferably in a cruel manner.
  • Too harsh?
  • Wiki: In the Warring States Period and the Edo period of Japan, samurai who disgraced their honor chose to end their own lives by harakiri (hara = stomach, kiri = cut) or seppuku, a method in which the samurai takes a sword and slices into his abdomen, causing a fatal injury. The cut is usually performed diagonally from the top corner of the samurai's writing hand, and has long been considered an honorable form of death (even when done to punish dishonor). Though obviously such a wound would be fatal, seppuku was not always technically suicide, as the samurai's assistant would stand by to cut short any suffering by quickly administering decapitation--sometimes as soon as the first tiny incision into the abdomen was made.
  • Yes, but Japan is a land where stones set in gravel are called gardens.
  • Exactly how is it that this man still has a job? He has been proven wrong on every conceivable level. Flat-out wrong. Colossally, monumentally and totally wrong. Stay the course.
  • "..sometimes as soon as the first tiny incision into the abdomen was made." Sometimes as soon as the dued reached for the blade. The assistant would have to be skilled, as it was considered dishonorable for a Samurai's head to roll on the ground. It was preferable to leave it connected to the body by a flap of flesh, so that it lolled forward on the chest. Compare this to the grotesque death of Yukio Mishima, which was bungled horribly. I think I've veered off topic here a bit! I don't think Rumsfeld, the incompetent, deluded Lord of the Assholes, would have anything approaching the fortitude to commit ritual suicide, and of course he is secure in his sense of absolute righteousness. I would prefer to see him cuffed and led up the scaffold against his will, weeping and shouting, in the manner of the Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg. Or perhaps like they did for Mussolini. My hatred for the creators of this botched, illegal war know no bounds, & I'm aware of how ugly & shameful these thoughts are. I'm afraid I'm not a very good pacifist. I have to sit and read Buddhist philosophy for hours to rid myself of the upwelling of rage these people engender in me.
  • "Exactly how is it that this man still has a job?" If Bush replaces him, he has to admit that he (Bush) was wrong, which he cannot do (he's like Fonzie in that regard, in fact he's so screwed he cannot even pronounce the phrase 'shame on me' when quoting a proverb). More importantly, perhaps, the replacement would face confirmation hearings before the Senate, & this would likely expose a lot of information about the war's prosecution in all its fubar details, luridly splashed across the headlines daily to become fresh in the minds of voters. Maybe after November.
  • Did Rummy ever get around to cleaning up the radiological materials his invasion left lying around Iraq? I know "Democracy is messy," but yeesh!
  • "I recount this history because once again we face the same kind of challenges in efforts to confront the rising threat of a new type of fascism" he said. Tapped phone, anyone? Patriot Act my ass.
  • Rumsfeld's gotta lotta fucking nerve criticising other people's morals.
  • Godwin Rumsfeld recited what he called the lessons of history, including the failed efforts to appease the Adolf Hitler regime in the 1930s. Ham-fisted Goebbeling. What a turkey.
  • Hurray to Rumsfeld for Godwinning the war.
  • Fascism?
  • Ahem.
  • You guys are all cowards. And Hitler. You guys are all Hitler. What am I forgetting?
  • Da-yam! What happened to my Thought Ray of Death? I would so fry his ass.
  • Yeah, I see Rumsfeld walking down the streets of Najaf everyday. What a prick. He can take his lies and shove'em where the sun don't shine, that DefenseContractorPocketLining sack of shit.
  • I would add, that were Rumsfield here (fortunate for the sack that he isn't), I would probably tell him that wanting to fight a war pardon me, "terrorism" CORRECTLY is different then wanting to appease "teh islamofascists." Its wonderful to give them names to make them appear more scary than "scattered bands of ideologically disparate criminals"
  • Speaking of names, does anyone know where Islamist has sprung from? And is there an Islamism to match?
  • 'Islamist' indeed springs from 'Islamism' - referring to the political side of Islam, which integrates legal & sociological aspects of society under the control of the religion. Its modern connotation appears to have come from the '70s in Europe, according to Wikipedia.
  • Aha! Thanks, I'll check the Wikipedia out. I've only run into these terms recently, and suspect they are essentially racist from the context.
  • They seem to be, yeah. I'm still boggled by 'Islamofascist'. The depth of stupidity in the users of this term is difficult to fathom.
  • Ransacked the Wikipedia re Islamism, -ist, etc. One of the things I find most difficult as I get older is UNlearning things that were presented to me once upon a time as facts but which now I must regard as non-factual. Learning is relatively easy compared to unlearning, I find. Deeply embedded in me is the notion All Information can be stowed into tidy and permanent categories. Even though I realize there's no permanence to be had. Really, what is the matter with my brains, dammit, that the futility of thinking I KNOW something doesn't seem to sink in and stay sunk? Cheesus, as Wolof put it. I'm so full of illusions. And I have to unlearn them over and over.
  • /does Yoda impression
  • I wonder if they're still tapping the white house...
  • He said, for example, that more media attention was given to U.S. soldiers' abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib than to the fact that Sgt. 1st Class Paul Ray Smith received the Medal of Honor. Speaking of moral and intellectual confusion and cowardice, Donald...
  • In what way is the term 'Islamism' racist? Aside from the fact that it has nothing to do with race, it is a real political ideology (and one that most progressive people should find abhorrent, imo). Chyren is right that 'Islamofascist' is an idiotic term.
  • Talking completely out of my ass, as is my norm, I suspect that 'Islamism' has its racial overtones from belittling the religion/way of life, by reducing it to a mere philosophy or thought structure. Another ordinary 'ism', as it were. Or, probably more likely, its racial overtones come from shmooshing everyone together under that one label 'Islamism', rather than caring to present a more accurate portrayal of 'Islamic Fundamentalists' or 'Shiite Fundamentalists', or whatever the case may be. Under 'Islamism', 'they're all the same, and we don't care to make the distinctions.' My guess, anyway. Whatever it is, 'Islamism' doesn't sound right to me.
  • Noel Coward was a war critic? *Yawn* More of the same old Everyone-who-doesn-t-agree-with-my-brand-of-evilness-hates-Amurrica schoolyard bully rhetoric. Damn, the man's got brass ones, I'll give him that. All the ritual suicide talk has me nostalgic for the production of The Mikaod where I operated a line of shadow puppets committing seppuku. We called it "puppuku" for short. Good times, good times...
  • Your rampant Captainism is appalling. Now shuffle the cards, you lout!
  • Arrrr, so much for my new and squeaky clean Go Rummy series! Hrmmmph. Well, I shall keep mine eyes on the lookout for future goodies from our fine worldly wordy statesman.
  • Puppuku turns up a most interesting collection of images on google image search. None of which have to do with your meaning of puppuku. Unfortunately. I think I need more puppet theater in my life. Any...way.... Rumsfeld's still there because Lieberman is slated to be his replacement. If he wins the Connecticut senate race, he'll be tapped for the job, take it, and let CT's GOP governor choose a new senator. That way, everyone wins.
  • Everyone but us, you mean.
  • @#$^#@!!!!
  • Islamofiction.
  • If you are not destroying the enemy, you are giving the enemy comfort. Do we not all know this?
  • Your nuniaistic-fascistocracy is over!
  • Petey, I love it when you depose me. Supplant me, baby. Alright, chuckleheads, I'm going to take over Mormon Country. See youse in 5 days.
  • "I recount this history because once again we face the same kind of challenges in efforts to confront the rising threat of a new type of fascism." Got that? Rummy says the Bush administration faces the same kind of challenges from its critics which appeasers presented in confronting Nazi Germany. Yet if one looks at the features of appeasement, and the situation in Iraq which predated our invasion, the banality of Rumsfeld’s accusation is obvious. We can illuminate this by examining those features, one by one. Good article (as usual) H-dogg.
  • The thing about Rumsfeld, is that despite the incredible crapola he's gotten the US into, he hasn't aged a bit. Bush is visibly older, he looks almost older than his father. But Rumsfeld is like, hey, I'm singing, I'm dancing. That is truly scary.
  • Cheney doesn't seem much older either. it's like you guys have vampires in office or something...
  • 2,000 Mg of live baby everyday. That's the secret.
  • When is all of this going to be over, exactly? I mean, of course, the removal of Rum, OilyBoy, and Alfred E. Neuman from office? Gawd. We have so much digging out to do. But you know, this goes back to schoolyard bullying. "You don't want to fight because you're a sissy." "No, I'm just smart. Fighting is inept." "yeah....well...YOU'RE inept...whatever that is..." I stand amazed at the drones who read and buy into this kind of continued crap from the supposed leaders. @#$%^&*
  • We're gonna have to come up with some new punctuation marks to properly swear over this one.
  • Like these?
  • Ach, I'd no idea there is something called Christianism, either.
  • it's like you guys have vampires in office or something... StoryBored, I think they are feasting on the blood of the slaughtered. Sweet juggling Jebus on a freight train, Pete! Far off and away I can hear echos of how we won hearts and minds in Vietnam. Then I'll get on my knees and pray We don't get fooled again Don't get fooled again No, no! "...Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." Meet the new boss Same as the old boss
  • Neither Rumsfeld, Cheney or Bush are honorable men. A sad commentary on us. Very sad.
  • Excellent link, h-dawg.
  • MonkeyFilter: 2,000 Mg of live baby everyday. MonkeyFilter: Like we have vampires in office or something. MonkeyFilter: Uncorking a tsunami of fearful jingoistic bullshit.
  • And btw, I hope I'm not the only one who watches Rumsfeld speak and thinks, "My god, that man needs to get more fiber in his diet."
  • (mumbles something about getting more lead in Rumsfeld's diet)
  • (mumbles something about getting more Visine in Rumsfeld's coffee)
  • American Spectator: Rumsfeld Speaks, Democrats Screech e Military .org: “There is a difference between healthy debate and self-defeating pessimism,” the vice president said. “We have only two options in Iraq – victory or defeat.” The Conservative Voice .com: "Cheney: U.S. Troops Fighting for American Ideals, Security" LA Times: Bush Shields U.S., Cheney Says The vice president says `sound policy decisions' by the president, and a vigilant government, have deterred terrorist strikes since 9/11. By Julian E. Barnes, Times Staff Writer
  • D'oh! How did I miss the previous posting! Disregard! Disregard! Abort!
  • Dude, there's a difference between healthy debate and double-posting a double-post retraction. We only have two options in Iraq - fries or onion rings.
  • Bush's T.W.A.T. is a joke!
  • Well, Bush is another name for twat. I prefer to use a more precise technical term.
  • *monocle pops out*
  • hehe. I love it when you do that! /deja vu
  • I don't know how much more of this my blood pressure can take.
  • Sweet merciful cheese on a biscuit, WHAT THE FUCK.
  • Amazing, if true. The first sentence though, "This is right out of the Wikepedia Encyclopedia . . " bothers me immensely. Mostly due to the fact that Wikipedia shouldn't be used as a source whenever possible. Not because I doubt the information as such. I am sure this issue will appear momentarily and in-depth on CNN, ABC, CBS, and be the "talking points" subject for tonights stellar lineup of news and opinion on the venerable Wikipe- I'm sorry, Fox, News. Aaand this just in - George W. Bush is a weenie.
  • How many speech writers does Rumsfeld have? Because I met one about a year ago, back when I lived in DC. Before I knew what he did or who he worked for, I made a snarky comment about the war, and he jumped on it. The main thrust of his argument was that we captured Baghdad, so we won, and everything else was secondary. We won, end of argument. We went back and forth a bit on that. I mentioned casualties, WMDs, the insurgency, and each one was met with the same "we won no matter what you say." In the end I told him to go fight in the god damn war himself if he loved it so much, at which point he mumbled an incoherent reply as other parties moved the conversation on to more pleasant topics. A chickenshit coward arrogant cunt, just like his boss. And in case this thread hasn't pissed you off enough already, they're giving life-size cutouts of soldiers to families that have been split apart by the war. To help them cope. Giant. paper. fucking. dolls.
  • But would this even make chimpy flinch? I recall seeing this info a few years back. Grandpa owned one share of UBC. A Jewish Perspective on G.W. Bush
  • Bush: U.S. in fight against single, worldwide terrorist network The United States is in a struggle against a terrorist network unified by "the rigid conviction that free societies are a threat to their twisted view of Islam," President Bush said Thursday. Also they're all brown. Giant. paper. fucking. dolls. Geebush. That's gutfuckling.
  • Amazing, if true. The first sentence though, "This is right out of the Wikepedia Encyclopedia . . " bothers me immensely. Mostly due to the fact that Wikipedia shouldn't be used as a source whenever possible. Not because I doubt the information as such. It's all documented in Fortunate Son -- and the ferocity by which that book's author -- and not the book itself -- was attacked by the GOP leads me to suspect that it was entirely accurate.
  • HEIL ME! An Open Letter From Donald Rumsfeld ...swastikas would have made a hot tattoo right above your girlfriend's ass
  • Nice one, smallish bear. "So, when are you off for a holiday in safe, sunny Iraq?" or "so when are you signing up for the military?" are the deciding and ultimate rejoinders to the keyboard-commandoes & Bush-boosters, I find, leading them to shut up or slink away rather quickly. The former for those who claim huge progress, the latter for those who carp on about supporting the troops. Bush's cutting of VA benefits is another good line, too.
  • May I duplicate? "God, I hate working for the Air Farce. Try having an intelligent discussion of what's wrong with this damn administration on the with these people. I can always shut them up by mentioning Vet's Benefits, and they have no retort. But the cognative dissonance is such that their eyes cross for 48 seconds, and then they begin all over again with the Rah Rah Bushco crap."
  • their eyes cross for 48 seconds The ditto reset.
  • We won, end of argument Unfortunately the "prize" sucks ass.
  • Coward.
  • (credit to Jesus' General)
  • We have our own inferior antipodean version of Rumsfeld - Alexander Downer. Unfortunately, Wolof and I have to share a city with him. He is exactly the kind of guy who would have appeased Hitler - a pompous, born-to-rule, chinless wanker whose only response to journalists questioning his increasingly apparent incompetence is to have a dummy spit.
  • I saw the fucker at the airport the other day. Hideous.
  • Heh. Indeed. I love the Rummy one.
  • It just occurred to me that Bushie did the compare-to-WWII this time last year, almost to the day. I wonder how much of it is politics and how much is it his desperate hope-against-all-available-data that he's not a horrible, horrible leader.
  • I'd bet dollars to dingos he would get a lot more support for staying in Iraq if he would just admit how f----ing stupid, deceitful, and immoral it was to go there in the first place. "Look, I'm sorry I made a bad decision and caused all that unneccessary loss of money and life. But now that we're there we've got to stay until we've cleaned up our mess." I think a lot of us could get behind that. Of course, it would probably just be another lie.
  • TUM, I could get behind him if he said that in handcuffs as he was being led away to FPMITA prison, maybe.
  • Do we still execute by firing squad anywhere in the U.S.? And what state has jurisdiction over lying, traitorous, corporate quislings?
  • ^^^ for BlueHorse!!!
  • I'm sorry, the last few days of propaganda have been too much. Watching El Deciderer talk about the importance of the war he's not done fucking up just takes the cake. When the Vice President calls me a collaborator, and the Secretary of Defense calle me a coward because I choose to point out that they aren't wearing any clothes, I get pissy.
  • And he had to wipe away a tear as he publicly recognized the tragic consequences of his foreign policy - as the family of a slain Marine, seated in the front row at the Salt Palace Convention Center, looked on. What an ASSHOLE!!!!! Pete, I think that made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.
  • What Bush Should Have Said My fellow members of the American Legion, I have made some serious mistakes and miscalculations in our struggle against Islamic extremism over the past five years. Some of these were made out of anger and impatience in the months after we were so viciously attacked on Sept. 11, 2001. Others were made out of my heartfelt belief that our American values—freedom, democracy, market economics—are the surest path away from the fury and despair that have plagued the nations at the heart of the Islamic world. I still believe deeply in those values. Hey TIME, glad you could make it. Um, unfortunately you're about 4 years too late and still missing the point as to why we're at war in Iraq. But hey - it's a start, right?
  • Also, they spelled "lynchpin" wrong. More proof that TUM knows better than TIME.
  • Others were made out of my heartfelt belief that our American values—freedom, democracy, market economics—are the surest path He left out Mocha Military Fudge! Thass my favourite value flavor. And he didn't give the other ones the right names. It's Nutty Coconut Freedom, Very Berry Democracy, and Rocky Road Market Economics (though sometimes they run out of that and you have to settle for a scoop of Rumfeld Raisin).
  • What about Licorice Liar?
  • Oh yeah, yummy too! Except, like, it turns yer gums all black and stuff.
  • Yeah, the cry of the Republican fighting machine! A kind of whiny "CLINTONNNNNNNN!" pronounced loudly thru the nasal passages as you back them into a corner confronted with the lists of their mendacity.
  • Lessee.... Clinton dicked around and left a little wet cum spot on a dress. Bush dicked around and left pools of blood in the sand. Which is the bigger moral mess?
  • The "it's Clinton's fault!" cries always remind me of when a little kid says "I'mnotlisteningIcan'thearyou!"
  • The Righties will patiently, at this point, sigh and inform you that "it's not about the blow job, it's about the lying to investigators". A rather sweet rhetorical trick that you have to be ready for. They will then pretend that Bush didn't lie, because "he believed there were WMDs".
  • Clinton lied. No question.
  • In that case, Clinton believed he didn't have sex with that woman. *scrubs history with WetNap*
  • Miss Lewinsky?
  • Vince Foster! *sprints away emitting "wooowooowooowooo!" sounds*
  • The Pres. is our employee. If I found out my employee was havin' it off in his office after hours, I might be a little icked out and ask him not to do it any more. But it wouldn't be a firin' offense. If an epmloyee grossly mismanaged resources, bankrupted the company, made me look like an idiot in front on the competition, constantly flung his religion in everybody's face at work, and lied to me about what he was doing in the company's name, he'd be out on his ear.
  • You obviously love teh Hitlerrists.
  • That Clinton is such a bad man, he doesn't even deserve an advance copy.
  • Can't-see-TV *adds ABC to Crapscist Bastards list*
  • The toltalatarians have my vote. I've had it with the rastalafarians.
  • Yeah, fuck all them teetotalaters.
  • Bush: Dumb?
  • Bush is dumb, but he's dumb in a smart way. He's been deployed cleverly. Don't ever forget that, llllllibbbbbrrrruuuuullll!!!!
  • I wonder if television, radio and newspapers affect people's understanding about world events or not.
  • That's a cartoon. No reading involved. okay, a little. But just a little
  • SCHOLASTIC REPLACES “THE PATH TO 9/11” CLASSROOM GUIDE WITH NEW DISCUSSION MATERIALS FOCUSING ON CRITICAL THINKING AND MEDIA LITERACY SKILLS In other news, ABC top officials are weasely neoconservative right-wing propagandist bastards.
  • Heh Busted
  • The Pentagon has begun a new "rapid response" operation to quickly respond to news media stories critical of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and the war in Iraq, as well as other stories the Defense Department leadership doesn't like. One branch will be dedicated to "creating products and distributing information" for the Internet such as blogs, podcasts and video content for Web sites such as YouTube. I'm in training now. Keep your eye out for future threads on the wonderful job that Rummy is doing. I'm going to make him shimmer like a star on MoFi.
  • The "rapid response team" will be known as "G.I. D'oh!."
  • Oh TUMmy!
  • > One branch will be dedicated to "creating products and distributing information" for the Internet Oh great. That's money that could've been spent on body armour or vehicle plating.
  • THe merger of Minipax and Minitrue! (BTW, what's the equivalent of "Godwin" for Orwell references?)
  • Goldberg'ed?
  • Bye Bye.
  • Wheeeeee!
  • This whole "they'll attack the U.S. if we..." bullshit is getting real old. Who's attacking us? Even if someone does attack us, aren't we well prepared enough, well guarded enough, that we can thwart it? If not, perhaps we need to bring our resources (troops, National Guard, billions of dollars) back to the U.S. so that we can. And since the bad guys are obviously still out there, free to launch their attacks, perhaps we need to free all those people we're illegally imprisoning since they're obviously not the ones doing/who've done any harm to us. And since we STILL haven't found any more guilty terrorists, perhaps it's time to quit illegally spying on people and use some methods that make SENSE. I mean, come on already. We as a nation need to pull our heads out of our asses and THINK about things before blindly reacting to the filth spouted daily by proven liars our government. Thanks, I feel better
  • Why do you hate baby Jesusamerica, minda25? Support the tax-free lifestyle priorities of the omniscient moral plutocracy! Also, ah, vote Quimby
  • *Puts 'Vote Quimby' bumper sticker on car*
  • Wait, I don't get it. If it's good that the Brits pulled out, because it's a sign that their region of Iraq is now secure, wouldn't pulling out all the troops be a sign that the entire country is secure? The truth is so slippery, it reminds me of an eel, or an icy road, or a banana peel, or a floor that's just been mopped, or something.
  • The truth has been lubed for your pleasure. Now bend over.
  • I don't know what's worse, the fact that it happened at all, or the fact that when I Google News-ed it I got all of four results.
  • That's what democracy has looked like for a long, long time. See. See. See. See. See. See. Heck, even see this. Get out of line, go against the program, and get smacked.
  • I want an "It's Al-Qaeda, Stupid" bumper sticker!
  • "Where the hell were you in the Vietnam War? If you had gone to Vietnam like the rest of us, maybe you would have learned something about war. You can't keep troops on the ground forever. You gotta have a mission. You gotta have a purpose." You can't keep sending 'em back and back and back with no mission and no purpose. As a matter of fact, the real enemy is Al Qaeda, it's Al Qaeda stupid, it's not in Iraq. Kick. Ass.
  • This Is What Democracy Looks Like I think you just ruined my day. Sweet Jesus. *goes to verify passport's current location*
  • Hell, that reminds me - - my passport just expired last week. *slaps self*
  • That's only what democracy looks like when people let it happen. Just because you vote doesn't mean you participate in democracy.
  • From the comments on this "news" snippet: when you watch the youtube, you hear some guy freaking out, 'what the fuck are you doing? you just shot me in the head...i'm a citizen of this fucking country!' in my opinion, this reveals a bit the sense of naivete that we have in united states. let this be just a taste of what is to come. bring bandanas, gas masks, some self-protection/self-defense to future actions. put up the barricades. like in copenhagen, like france last spring, like in greece every fucking week. don't expect that being a 'citizen' means anything to the police, who are more or less following orders which say that the machinery of war and capital needs to continue moving undisturbed. don't try to reason with them. don't sit down and leave yourself vulnerable, singing nice songs like that.
  • Senate leader says 'war is lost' in Iraq "I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and -- you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows -- (know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday," said Reid, D-Nevada. Republicans pounced on the comment as evidence, they said, that Democrats do not support the troops. "I can't begin to imagine how our troops in the field, who are risking their lives every day, are going to react when they get back to base and hear that the Democrat leader of the United States Senate has declared the war is lost," said Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky. That house of f**k is gonna come down with a mighty shrieking and a-wailin'. The GOP is going to defecate - repeatedly and copiously - before it's all over. Not that that's gonna happen in the next decade or so. But what can they say? "Oops?" "The liberals were right all along?" "Mistakes were made?" Not bloody likely! (Well, that last one is) Also, "the Democrat (sic) leader" is a nice touch. Nicely memed there, Mitchy. Ya big dope.
  • What was that line from A Fish Called Wanda? "We did NOT lose in Vietnam! It was a TIE!"
  • Okay, TUM, now you have to clean the scone-'n-saliva crumbs from my keyboard.
  • Cheney snaps at top Dem's defeatest Iraq plan Jesus, no quotes and misspelled even. Fuckers. WASHINGTON (AP) -- Vice President Dick Cheney accused Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Tuesday of pursuing a defeatest strategy in Iraq to win votes in the next election -- a charge Reid said did not warrant a response. . . . "I'm not going to get into a name calling match with the administration's chief attack dog," Reid said.
  • You've gotta support this surgiest of surgey surges or the bad people will leave Iraq, go to the U.S., and kill you and your kittens while you sleep!!! Because that's what motivates these bad people. They don't have any other purpose to their existence than to kill you and your kittens.
  • I had metaphorical kittens, but Cheney peppered 'em pretty good.
  • Tom DeLay: Reid "Close to treason" DELAY: I think Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are getting very, very close to treason. INTERVIEWER: Treason. Now that’s a pretty serious charge. DELAY: And I’m serious about it. For the Majority Leader of the United States Senate in the time of war, with soldiers dying on the ground, announcing that we had lost the war, is very close to treasonous. I looked it up while we were driving over here, what the definition of treason is. Yes, disgraced former exterminator and Speaker of the House Tom DeLay, making the rounds to help criticize the Democrats' balls. Mmmm that's good spin.
  • The thing is, the troops must know the war is lost. They surely recognize the reality of the situation, since they're the ones LIVING IT. The thing that really sucks about this statement is that lots of people won't remember that it was DeLay who said that, they'll just remember that it was said, and they will repeat it. I know - I have a close, much loved relative who does that all the time. :o/
  • The WSJ writes, “The award may seem ironic since Rumsfeld prided himself on being a blunt-spoken defense secretary with little time for diplomatic niceties. During his six-year tenure, Rumsfeld famously belittled France and Germany as being part of ‘old Europe’ and said the looting of Baghdad illustrated that ‘freedom is messy.’” Mmm.
  • "A torturer is an enemy of all humankind." Bravo.
  • Bravo indeed. *sings the Marseillaise*
  • Formidable, cheese eating surrendercheeky monkeys! Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
  • I love the smell of justice in the morning.
  • Smells like ... fresh ground coffee and croissants!