August 29, 2006

A paradise may soon be lost. The island of Guimaras, known for its natural splendor and rich coral reefs, faces disaster: An oil spill from a sunken tanker is endangering this place, a home to threatened species of dugong and green and hawksbill turtles.

Comparing photos from before and after the spill is dismaying. What can you do to help? Spreading the word would be good. This is big news where I live, but I'm not sure if the world at large is aware of what may soon be lost. Or, you can send hair and feathers.

  • Good lord, that's depressing. Alas, this is news to me. Thanks for posting astroboy. A part of the world that is ill-equiped to deal with such an accident should indeed have greater assistance before it is too late.
  • It is too bad this happened. It didn't have to. Perhaps you have to have an Exxon Valdez or a catastrophic mess like this to bring the issue of oil spills and marine destruction into the forefront of public awareness once again. In an age where governments refuse to plan things out ahead, but merely react (and then with spectacular lack of results in some cases) to foreseeable emergencies, there's an obvious need for tighter international regulation. Oil is filthy stuff. So is politics when politicians can be bought.
  • This is why I read the 'filters. Nothing on the news today except that Ramsey sensationalism. Damn oil companies for their greed. Damn car manufacturers for their greed. Damn the politicians for their lies and their greed. I'm thinkin' a 'poxyclips isn't all that bad idea for them fellers.
  • The credulity of the US media ... well, it's beyond polite description. But then, this is an age where believing six impossible things before breakfast seems perfectly normal.