August 25, 2006
Everything about kaleidoscopes. Brief history of the kaleidoscope. A quick faq about kaleidoscopes. How kaleidoscopes work. More on how kaleidoscopes work.
Kaleidoscope collection. Kaleidopoems. Kaleidoscope patterns with poems. Kaleidoscope images based on soundwaves. Kaleidoscope mirror designs. Online kaleidoscope, 2, 3. Make your own kaleidoscope, 2. Duck into kaleidoscope. (seriously lacking ducks) Make your own disgustoscope. Make your own polariscope.
And previously on MoFi, elk antler kaleidoscopes.
It's taking some time to work through these fantastic links, [MR]Chip. Bear with me here. What does it mean that I went straight for the disgustoscope?
Maybe you'd be faster if you had a kaleidoscope bear with you instead of a normal one.
Wow, very . . um . . thorough, Dr. Chip! That online kaliedoscope be fun.
Interesting post. Is there anything on kaliedoscopes though?
I love em.
(seriously lacking ducks) Well, lack no more: a mallard drake is somewhat dim in spring he'll grope a kaleidoscope if it holds still - and they often will - and the mallard duck just laughs at him
[Mr.]Chip: Best. Post. Evar.