August 24, 2006
That's no moon!
Um, well, actually...
Damn, I was thinking about how cool it would be to have Ceres as a planet. =P
I must protest! I want flags burning, riots, scientists hung in effigy!!! I WANT MY OLD SOLAR SYSTEM, DAMMIT!!!! My astronomer friend (who's at the assembly) doesn't consider it a planet either. I'll just hang him in effigy.
I just want to know what the hell is my very excited mother going to serve me, now that they've taken away the pizzas.
*goes off to fix orrery*
And Sedna too...
Look at the bright side. Now there's only one thing separating deep space from Uranus.
Just remember, people, that no matter what we call the celestial bodies in our Solar System, they don't stop being what they really are: big globs of stuff.
I'm not disappointed at the 'demotion' of Pluto, per se, as I think that a reasonble case could be made both for inclusion and exclusion, but I think the new definition lacks a certain rigor that the proposed one had. For example, it says that a planet has cleared its neighborhood of other objects, but Jupiter has thousands of "Trojan Asteroids" at its leading and trailing it in its orbit. The new definition is a but too mushy for me.
I send my sympathies to Pluto's relatives for the demotion. Hopefully there is a good layoff package plus benefits.
This will just serve to encourage Pluto to improve its fundamental skills and strive to win the League Championship next year to make a case for promotion.
I'm sorry i just heard from Pluto. And he says speak to his lawyers. And I quote: "After 76 years in the outfield, fielding balls that you can't even see (can we get some light out here, you cheap bastards?), I've f*cking had it with the admin."
. . . the asteroid Ceres, Pluto's "moon" Charon and the distant object known as 2003 UB313 I move that "the object known as 2003 UB313" be hereby recognized as the quidnunc kid. Do we have a second?
imagine how Pluto is feeling today? depressed I bet. how would you feel?
I move that the object known as "the quidnunc kid" be hereby recognized as 2003 UB313.
Man, the horoscopes are going to be fucked tomorrow.
"Dwarf planet" sounds kinda lame, actually. Why not "midget planet" or "pygmy planet"? I still think they should be called blobules.
This would be much more upsetting if it was about the "demolition of Pluto" as I originally read one of the lines in the article. "Dwarf planet" sounds kinda lame, actually. Why not "midget planet" or "pygmy planet"? Perhaps "radially challenged planet"? Hm, no. Blobule it is.
Will we have to change Interplanet Janet (She's a Galaxy Girl)? "Pluto little Pluto is the farthest planet from the sun." You know, like when all the movie sudenly lost the Twin Towers in the skyline post 9/11.
Mmmmm, blooblules.
Now you can exhibit your rage on your bumper! Via boingboing, via cafepress, via disgruntled plutonists everywhere.
I'd like to exhibit my rage on YOUR bumper...
I'm actually really irritated by this, heh, mainly cos I'm rubbish at remembering stuff, but I can rattle off Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto fairly reliably, and not even with a mnemonic device (I always just forget those...) There's something musical about them, possibly aided by a play we did in Grade 8 involving the planets and probably written by the director on crack. But as I was saying, Pluto forever! It'll always be a planet to me.
I'd like to exhibit my rage on YOUR bumper... I have too much bumper for your puny rage.
Can we club together?
Mickey Mouse downgrades dog to lower cartoon life form: reclassification of pet instigated by best friend Goofy FLORIDA, FRIDAY: Over 2,500 experts at the International Anthropomorphic Union's (IAU) conference in Disneyland voted today to downgrade Pluto's status as a dog. The IAT decision means Disney colouring-in books will now have to describe the Mickey Mouse family as containing just three major cartoon bodies: Mickey himself, Minnie his slutty fuckbuddy and best friend Goofy. Pluto's status has been contested for many years. It is considerably more animal-like than the other "traditional" characters in the Disney universe. And, unlike the more massive Goofy, Pluto is unable to speak and wears no clothes. "I have a slight tear in my eye today, yes; but at the end of the day we have to describe the Mickey Mouse household as it really is, not as we would like it to be," said Professor Goofy, chair of the IAU panel that has been working over recent months to define the term "cartoon dog". Pluto will henceforth be drawn by Disney animators as a cartoon amoeba. Yet the controversy continues. Some claim that Professor Goofy had a conflict of interest in the discussions, as he is also a cartoon dog. Dr Donald Duck angrily dissented from the majority decision. Appearing tired and emotional at a press conference, he told reporters that he never wore pants or spoke properly either. He then grabbed his crotch in an obscene manner and told a female reporter "you look like you need a long hard duck against the wall, sugar tits".
Can we club together? You mean, like, baby seals? Uh, sure. Whatever. Sounds fun.
Major League Baseball weighs in on Pluto being sent down to the minors. Funny stuff. (Well, if you're a baseball fan.)
It could never be Mercury, leading off and constantly hot. Venus was all about love and self-sacrifice, a natural 2 spot in the order. Earth, the prototypical No. 3 hitter, the ultimate fantasy pick, the people's choice. Mars, the oft-feared big red machine. Jupiter always had the sweet spot in the lineup. Having Saturn in the order always meant a ring. Uranus, always the team prankster and playing jokes to keep it fun. :)
Pluto's icy exterior may conceal an ocean
Surf's up!!!
Have we discovered fuel on Pluto?
Worm hole... Worm hole... Need a siphon out there. To prevent fracking on Earth.
I have begun substituting the work fracking for the word fucking, because fracking really is obscene.