August 22, 2006

Make that pussy work for its treats. Yep, a one-link post about cats.
  • want want want! Mrs Dotcom recently insisted on acquiring two kittens and I wouldn't say Terry and Flo are driving me mad ... but, in fact, they are driving me mad ...
  • Dang, I need a couple of those!
  • Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting WHAT, ME EXERCISE?
  • That's funny -- someone was on the radio talking about Cat Power just the other day...
  • Cat Power! Imagine the unitard for that!
  • Most cats I know would rather just meow at the owner than run for their food... But interesting idea if it could be taken a step further and generate power of some sort.
  • Snoots would never let me get one of those.
  • Pfft. Cats. What's the point?? heh heh. just kiddin', cat people. Hey now, easy there on ol' petebe- ow! Hehe, yikes that kinda smarts Ow! Okay okay. Sheesh.
  • Bonnie says "oh crap, I've got to work for the food now?!!!"
  • ^^^^^^^^^ HuronBob's cat just saw goatse for the first time...
  • Ms Keefie would disembowel me in my sleep if i suggested she use this device.
  • Cat on the Mac
  • Who would humiliate their cat this way? I mean, yeah, I have an elliptical machine, but that's totally different. Where's my treat?
  • After my cats clawed my eyes out, they would most certainly proceed to destroy that wheel thing by over-tipping, digging, pawing and peeing methods. Then they'd come back for my ears.
  • My cat Hells no!
  • Cats? Please.
  • Why would you do this to me?? I just want food.
  • I think NOT.
  • Can a dog do that meatloaf thing when they lay down? You know, when the paws and tail disappear and teh kat looks like a giant meatloaf? I think not. Any anmial that can do that doesn't have to work for a living.
  • my sisters & I always called that the duck decoy pose...
  • We call it 'Humphrey Cushion'.
  • We used to call it "Slug".
  • We just call it "kittyloaf".
  • I call it "lunch."
  • happy happy cute cute! i wanna kitty! !!!!
  • You want to put me in WHAT?
  • p7240009.jpg I don't even want to walk, much less run.
  • hey, in case anyone is curious..this thread got 301 hits since I posted the picture of Bonnie....
  • how do you know? I must be told!
  • Kit, he hasn't got a life, he sat there and counted them all, one by one. Oh. Ahem. *smiles Hi, Bob.