August 20, 2006

The day I found out I was an adult Indigo
  • Via memepool
  • That is just the weirdest site ever. First, you have to hunt around to even find out what exactly an indigo child is (and I couldn't ever find out what a "crystal child" was) and there is some crazy new age stuff: "The exciting new Quantum Prayer Wheel subscription service protects and aligns the energies of you and your loved ones through the power of prayer and quantum physics." In the forums there is a message thread titled, "is my baby seeing angels? (and everyone is convinced the answer is yes). and as if that isn't weird enough, there are also these random plugs for Jenny McCarthy's sister the makeup artist.
  • Feel free to start discussions here about angels, healing or cute uplifting stories about your own angel at home. Yeah, so then little Timmy stabbed the cat with the safety scissors -- those are the most painful, gaping wounds -- and then he crapped his pants and smeared it all over the coffee table. "What is all this shit about angels? Have you heard this? Three out of four now people believe in angels. Are you fucking stupid? Has everybody lost their mind? ... What about Goblins, huh? Doesn't anybody believe in Goblins? You never hear about this. Except on Halloween and then it's all negative shit. "And what about Zombies? You never hear from Zombies! That's the trouble with Zombies, they're unreliable! I say if you're going to go for the Angel bullshit you might as well go for the Zombie package as well." -- The Mighty George Carlin
  • Compleat with obnoxious sound that goes along just wonderfully with the obnoxious preening. "Your host is Jenny McCarthy. Jenny has a 4-year-old son, Evan, who is a Crystal [Meth] child. Being blessed with Evan led Jenny to have the inspiring vision to create this meeting place." Q: "How does Astrology correlate to the Indigo phenomenon?" A: 100% Correlation seeing as they are both bullshit "WHO ARE THE INDIGOS? by Michele Alexandria They are awakened and enlightened Master Souls who carry with them Divine wisdom and Universal Truths. They are here as a soul group to share their gifts, insights, and vision, which help to energetically shift the Earth’s frequency, as well as, raise the consciousness of all of humanity. They are the Trailblazers, and Spiritual Warriors, who are here to breakdown and remove old paradigm systems and beliefs, which no longer serve the greater good. They are the reminders of who we are and from where we came." Proposition: While the kids shouldn't be drugged for their obnoxious behaviors in class, it is clear that the mothers shouldn't be doping up either The internet was a far better place when there was no indigo crap and all we had was goatse.
  • "Via memepool" Should we sue?
  • i read some of this stuff the other day, having seen the post on memepool. after wasting about 30 minutes reading a variety of guff, i could still say i was none the wiser about what constitutes an indigo or a crystal. nevertheless, my child is so special that i'm sure he's both.
  • -snerk- That makes me an Indigo and a Crystal child. Suuuure.
  • What a load of crap. Everyone knows that being "indigo" means you're a lesbian.
  • From the list of characteristics of these kids, it sounds like these people are trying to justify why their kids are so cranky and rude by saying "they're special!"
  • These kids are going to be emotional wrecks by high school, won't they?
  • These kids are going to be emotional wrecks by high school, won't they? Obviously these crystal children are much too brilliant and wonderful to be in public school. Only by home schooling can they reach their true potential of mixing new age crap with evangelical crap.
  • Obviously these crystal children are much too brilliant and wonderful to be in public school. Good point. I guess I'll have to revise my cunning plan to set up a chain of counseling centers to target the college-age as opposed to the high school demographic.
  • So, being the scientist that I am, I scoured the IntarTubes to discover my aura, because everyone knows that such things are easily determined by the precision instrument called the Online Quiz. According to my empirical study, I am a red, red, red, and 50% green. According to Ye Olde Wiki,
    Red- Strength, anger, tenacity, passion, sensuality, vitality, raw energy & willpower. Dark red may symbolize one who has a quick temper and is nervous or impulsive. All red relates to nervous tendencies.
    Yay for science!
  • Don't miss the "Ask the Angels" section, with a real certified (certifiable?) Angel Therapy Practitioner! I asked her if manipulating people's belief systems for money made her feel good about herself.
  • I took the quizzes you linked to, nunia, (purely in the interests of science, of course) and I got (in the order of your links) blue, violet, blue, and 20% red.
  • OMG, I think I've found my calling.
  • There you go, meredithea. Looks like you're an indigo mom!
  • oooh I'm a violet. violet, I'm turning violet!!
  • I lost interest in the quizzes (and I'm sure that says something about my aura as well). However Nunia's second link among other questions asks you to pick the song that best describes you: "I Get So Emotional (Baby)" by Whitney Houston "Mobile" by Avril Lavigne "Material Girl" by Madonna "Get The Party Started" by Pink "Your Revolution" by DJ Vadim and Sarah Jones "Eat You Alive" by Limp Bizkit Whoa! That's a pretty dire selection.
  • There was an interesting Guardian article by Jon Ronson about this movement a few weeks ago.
  • This is what comes of playing with Smurfs when ye are young and impressionable.
  • Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: The soul that rises with us, our life’s star, Hath had elsewhere its setting, And cometh from afar. Not in entire forgetfulness, And not in utter nakedness, But trailing clouds of glory, do we come From God, who is our home: Heaven lies about us in our infancy.
    Indigo Wordsworth?
  • I hate all this Indigo bullshit - just a bunch of weak and inferior-feeling parents who decide to let their ill-behaved and rude kids do exactly as they please because in some way they are more 'special' than everyone else. Fuck off!! They're just animal torturers in waiting. Grrrrrrr.
  • Not so sure that a man who writes: ... High instincts before which our mortal Nature Did tremble like a guilty thing surprised ... is really indigo. For if one accepts the meredithea list, a salient characteristic of these youngsters is: Do not respond to guilt trips, want good reason. But then, alas, I have been told my aura is yellow, so wot could I possibly know?
  • I actually had my aura photographed once (as part of a press junket, I hasten to add, it's not something I would ordinarily choose to do). Two colleagues had theirs done before me: one was lovely and blue, the other was pretty and green with a hint of a 'third-eye' in there which got everyone very excited, and mine was ... blotchy. Pink splodges, yellow splodges, red splodges, purple splodges, green splodges, orange splodges, there was even a black splodge in there. The nice aura photographer-lady just handed me the photograph with a fixed smile and asked me to go away, please.
  • Mothninja, that was your cue to say in a deep voice, "I will eat your childen's souls!" Well, at least that's what I would have done. But then, I'm not very nice to morons.
  • I have no aura, none whatsoever. But my Infernal Masters tell me it's nothing to worry about.
  • I left my aura at home this morning because I was in a hurry and it could NOT keep up with me. From the characteristics of Indigo Children: • Have difficulty with discipline and authority • Refuse to follow orders or directions • Find it torture to wait in lines, lack patience • Often express anger outwardly rather than inwardly and may have trouble with rage. and then my favorite: • Are here to change the world – to help us live in greater harmony and peace with one another and to raise the vibration of the planet. Um - huh?
  • You can get with this aura you can get with that.
  • Wait a sec: there are children who refuse to follow directions and have a hard time waiting in lines? Wha??
  • Mothninja has a rainbow aura. :)
  • Orange is for baby orca, though the colour of its aura isn't mentioned. Reasons to suppose it might be indigo: Refuse to follow orders or directions Find it torture to wait in lines, lack patience Get frustrated by ritual-oriented systems that require little creativity Are nonconformists
  • I remember that aura photo, mothninja! It was gloriously psychedelic. Maybe your aura's been tie-dyed?
  • Green children in Spain. Green babes in Woolpit, England. There seems very little that at least some human beings won't place credence in. Some would say this is because people are stupid, but I suspect the truth may lie closer to the notion people simply like a good mystery, and like hearing yarns and tall tales and even enjoy scaring themselves silly.
  • I was expecting a different type of green babe.
  • Among the Nominations for Most Neglected Portion of the MoFi FAQ: Bear in mind that minors may be reading this site, so websites dedicated to pornography might not be smart.
  • Big but not clever, eh?