August 11, 2006

What's it like to attend a movie publicity junket? A freelance writer named Eric Snider found out on the publicity tour for World Trade Center. And when he wrote honestly about the experience, the studio retaliated.
  • What a bunch of chuckleheads, those Paramount people! I can't believe the water came from the ceiling. Wouldn't it splash out of the tub?
  • So that's why they can spend 350 million on a movie and still come out with a piece of crap. And yes, it can come down from the ceiling. Nice.
  • I didn't really think the article was anything for a compnay to get their knickers in a twist over. I think a lot of water must end up on the floor surely
  • I want to be a junket whore. I want the water coming out of the ceiling.
  • If the flow was low-pressure enough, I don't think it would splash. The cult of celebrity has its own temple prostitues, apparently. Er, where can I sign up?
  • I just think about laying in the tub and having the water coming out of the ceiling on me... I don't think it would feel good.
  • Er, where can I sign up? Just here, and then initial here, aaaannnd here.
  • Not with a pen! In your own blood! *offers sharp pin*