March 02, 2004

Two hundred twenty spiders and seven hundred pictures. The pirate spider, the camel spider, and of course, the vibrating spider.

The happiest spider of all. Why are people so bothered by these cute little arachnids?

  • i'm rather disappointed....all i have to deal with are those vibrating, daddy-longlegs and while it's nice to have the inside knowledge on how they copulate.....i'd prefer a more handy extermination method than just my vacuum cleaner! i was hoping i could simply add another critter to my family that would just eat 'em up!
  • this spider, it vibrates? (sorry, had to!) growing up in the midwestern u.s. i remember these teensy little jumping spiders that were pretty cool. i used to be PETRIFIED of spiders. now i say, live and let live.
  • Simply marvelous links -- thanks, Pez! [hand of bananas]
  • Beware banana spiders, bane of produce markets all over America (where we get our bananas from Ecuador). Not to be confused with our domestic and quite photogenic banana spider.
  • The problem with spiders is they have far too many knees. Terrible, terrible knees. That is the source of my terror of them.
  • I have a deep rooted fear of spiders. I have been bitten twice by a hobo spider. The second time was significantly worse. Took months for my leg to heal. Excuse me if I stay far away from this site!
  • The most dangerous animal in New Zealand, outside of man. Modulo the attempts by Californian grape growers to infest us with black widows.
  • If some alien species asked me to list the top ten wonders of our world, I'd have to include spiderwebs. The ability of a spider to quickly build an intricate, concentric web is just amazing. And they do it again each night after the old web is torn down.
  • shameless self-link. since i study spiders for a living, i am more than happy to see this link :)
  • One of the most horrifying moments of my entire life was an ill-advised 6th grade science project. We had to capture daddy long-legs. Somehow, the poor creature's leg came off and the unnattached leg kept moving!! (AAAAAAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!!!) I catastrophically Lost My Shit and can't abide the sight of spiders to this day.
  • The jumping spiders in the main link are thought to include the number ten ranked smartest kind of animal<:(!)