August 08, 2006

Wank like there's no tomorrow The record, apparently, is seven-and-a-half hours. This must require rigorous training. Go to it, lads and lasses.
  • That which is illegal in public is publicly performed—ay, there's the rub.
  • I am not a woman. When a woman says that she has 49 orgasms, what does that even mean? I am assuming that what she defines as an orgasm would be a bit different than the one Meg Ryan's character would have used in When Harry Met Sally.
  • I am so proud of the author of that piece for resisting the puns.
  • "...and that was one man with a handmade poster." : ) And yes, that multi-orgasmic female capability is just not fair.
  • When a woman says that she has 49 orgasms, what does that even mean? Like it even matters when this stuff is going on in a public setting and guys are just stainding around and watching. I can just imagine some guy yelling, "Hey! She just faked! She's disqualified!"
  • People were watching???
  • was about solo masturbation in a communal space. What does that tell you?
  • ...that multi-orgasmic female capability is just not fair. Men can have multiple orgasms too—women are still getting ripped off.
  • Hey, y'know, if I don't give a woman at least 50 orgasms I don't feel like a real man. But 50 orgasms for a man? I don't know if I can stay that hydrated.
  • Carpal-tunnel. That's all I have to say.
  • When a woman says that she has 49 orgasms, what does that even mean? It means they couldn't have been that great. Who could keep count?
  • And they didn't say how long it took her to achieve all those. We just know that it was less than seven and a half hours. She could have had one every twelve minutes.
  • Carpal-tunnel. That's all I have to say. I'm sure that the U.S. government has an SOP on proper ergonomic methods for self-gratification. (In fact, I understand that you can get written up for not bending your knees or not wearing protective gear.) After all, what else do government employees do all day but jerk off and get nothing done?
  • Ha! True point, nunia.
  • I hope he used lotion.
  • "...a staggering seven-and-a-half hours..." It's not that the actual job was staggering, it's that he will be staggering out of the building rather bowlegged. By the way, nobody said how many orgasms ol' sir 7.5 hours had. My bet
  • Was a cat present in that event? That would have been great.