August 02, 2006
Control rooms
... from the ad-saturated (Moscow) to the colossal (NASA/Apollo) to the eccentric (XM Radio). A lot of operations like FedEx, Amtrak, BART, Time Warner Cable, and Delta Air Lines all have their own control rooms. What, you don't have one? You should!
Amtrak is hilarious
Yeah. Sheesh, Amtrak looks more like a control room for the homeless.
Excellent post. I LOVE control rooms. I want to work in one! Except not Amtrak. Geesh!
Yah, I gotta agree on that Amtrak comment... this is as close to a high-tech map display as I can find.
It's kind of depressing to think that the Moscow mission control center is riddled with ads.
I had no idea there was a control room given over to surly service and lost luggage. Thanks for showing Delta's control room.
beauty post, roly! ))
Any way we can Tracycle to post a picture of the Monkeyfilter contol room? I imagine it must have lots of screens, like the NASA one, but more monkeys and poo.
Someone blogs stuff like this.