August 02, 2006

Will global warming depopulate the "red states"? Interesting question, but the red states will be equally fried if California is any indication.
  • Will global warming depopulate the "red states"? No.
  • It's God frying those who voted for Bush. Ironic, ain't it?
  • Ironic, ain't it? No.
  • Still, with the thermometer running 60 points higher than Bush's popularity . . Oh owhuuch!
  • One can only hope.
  • Ironic, ain't it? Wait I mean yes.
  • No meaning yes fractalid? It's a simple question: is it or isn't it ironic that God is frying the people who voted for Bush? Just answer yes or no. :-)
  • Uh, I meant "blue states" in the second sentence of the FPP, obviously. Sorry.
  • Oh, I thought you were talking about drugs and meant to say 'baked'.
  • Time to move to Canada my USian niggaz. My business partner (from the great white north) is going to be moving with his dual citizenship wife and kids back to Canada and we're going to try to get me legal there by having our corporation sponsoring me. In fifteen to twenty years the coast of BC is going to feel like Santa Barbara. "Oh Canada, my home and native land..."
  • Its pointless to move away from it. Its like Belloq said in Indiana Jones; "there is nothing you can possess that I can't take away." The influx of refugees from points South to make whatever nice place you have turn to shit when global warming gets going.
  • so we will be the Mexico of Canada? /Stephen Colbert reference/ripoff
  • Buenos dias, gringo!
  • I'm just waiting for the Gulf Stream to turn around, and I'll be cool cool cool. OK, I'll live under a few hundred million tonnes of ice, but at least I won't be overheated.
  • Don't you mean, "Buenas dias, eh?"
  • You hosers want some tacos?
  • Cinq de Mayo?
  • The Blue Fund For investing without Republicans in it. Or something.