July 31, 2006

The Book of All Enormous Things is a free, illustrated, ongoing, online novel. The author's art is also worth a look.

The art and the story both bounce from low sketch to high art, from brilliance to distraction and back again, and everywhere in between. Equal parts notebook scribblings and world-building. I found Hannibal's stuff a welcome source of insipration and wonder when my own creativity was at an ebb; maybe it will do the same for you. Give me physics problems and I will turn them into poems. Give me term papers and I will make picture books. Give me memos and I will cut them into paper snowflakes. Give me work and I will have a theatre in my cubicle. Give me war and I will sing in the trenches. Art is defiance. That's what this website is about. (Note that much of the art is scaled down via html, so right-click-view-image to see more detail)

  • Interesting layout - how do the chapter links appear without using standard a href tags? (I'm assuming java but haven't looked at the source yet) The writing and images are good, but i'm immediately wondering about web design when I look at it. Well, the first link, anyway.
  • The web design totally put me off I'm afraid to say. Very ambiguous clicky action.
  • The story is amazing! Thanks! ))))!