July 04, 2006
Whiplash the Cowboy Monkey
How is it possible that Whiplash the Cowboy Monkey has not appeared here yet? He rides a dog, sells tacos and wrangles sheep.
I caught his show this march at the Austin Rodeo (as a matter of fact the Vimeo link is to a friend of mine's clip, and my wife is the woman cackling). It was astonishing. Words really fail when trying to do justice to a small mankey in a cowboy suit riding a large dog while chasing sheep.
Well that was a tricky find. Not something you come across every day really.
That is so awesome. God bless America.
Glorious. Truly glorious. One of the greatest achievements in the history of mankind. I say second only to those dolphins that can sing the theme to Batman.
Ben is a very fine dog.
Ride 'em, MonkeyBoy! Why does that sound so...dirty?
Whiplash is awesome! You can even buy his t-shirts (which folks always comment on). GO WHIPLASH!
Monkey taunts dog