June 23, 2006

Physics Limericks Warning: perceived humour may be knowledge dependent.

My favorite has to be this one: PETA was out in full force, But not for a dog or a horse. At Schrodinger's place They pleaded their case For the sake of his cat, of course

  • 'Proof by induction' - heh!
  • there are many more here but you have to click on each contributors name to see 'em. Some of these I thought were as good as the finalists linked to up top. Sample: A Yukon professor quite quizzical Liked studying properties physical. He was very bold; The weather was cold When he pissed, all he got was a whizzicle.
  • I call for the swift execution Of all those who promote "evolution" This heretical theory Makes babe Jesus quite teary 'Tis not holy - 'tis gospel pollution.
  • What Plegmund said. That was the cleverest of the lot.
  • Not a limerick, but... Tommy was a chemist, But Tommy is no more. For what he thought was H2O Was H2SO4.
  • Reminds me of the Space Child's Mother Goose (amazon). My grandfather, a onetime Princeton professor, had a copy and I loved it as a kid although I doubt I understood much of it.
  • Tho' a truly amusing mix, the poems are hardly lim'ricks, too learn'd is the verse, and really, much worse, is the absence of "cunts" "shit" and "dicks".
  • Here's a sample (Geek nursery rhymes): From A Space Child's Mother Goose Flappity, Floppity, Flip, A Mouse on a Moebius strip. The strip revolved, The mouse disolved, In a chrono-dimensional skip. Hickory dickory dock, Three mice ran up the clock. The clock struck one, and the other two escaped with minor injuries. Hey diddle diddle, The cat and the fiddle. The cow jumped over the moon. The little dog laughed to see such sight, And the cow burned up upon reentry. Mary, Mary, complex and scary, How does your spectrum glow? With sodium-glare, in the ionisphere, and satellites all in a row!"
  • There was a young lady named Bright Whose speed was far faster than light; She set out one day, In a relative way, And returned on the previous night. -- A.H. Reginald Buller (Those interested in further particulars may look here.)
  • You wankers must have forgotten that poetry is dead.
  • This wanker who started this thread had but one brief idea in his head to entertain monkeys those doggerel junkies but dammit it seems poetry's dead!
  • The limerick as a form is not so familiar to people as it used to be. Believe only the more ribald ones stick in the popular mind these days, as opposed to the sillier ones (Pawtucket), the parodic (Sullivan's), or those that may actually involve a scientific issue of some kind.
  • There once was a limerick writer Who wished that his rhymes could be tighter. He tried to log on To rhymezone.com, But he got a 404 error and gave up.
  • Alas that sweet poetry's dead. Cause of death is unknown (so it's said), But since it's by tradition Obsessed with coition, Let's hope it died happy, in bed.
  • There was an old man from Taipan, Whose limericks never would scan. When told this was so, He replied, "Yes I know, But I always try to fit as many words into the last line as ever I possibly can."
  • the form of verse known as the lim'rick is properly set amphibrachic ne'ertheless you'll see that ultimately it can even be done anapestic
  • Hurray! ))) on the house!!!
  • Pallas Athena also )))) for you. That's pretty darn clever if I do say so myself!