June 22, 2006

July 1st Kickball Invitational. There's a International Kickball tourney going on in New York on Canada Day / Moving Day / next weekend. Seems they're still debating the rules. Man, I wish I lived in Brooklyn...

At our school, we called it 'Chinese Baseball' -- were we alone in that? My google-fu reveals links only to Chinese Baseball, i.e. baseball in China. Obviously.

  • We called it "kickball". I loved it, because it was the only schoolyard game I could play without hurting myself or inadvertently scoring for the other team.
  • We have a local league here in town. The wife and I have said for two years now that we want to join, but never have. Need to fix that. They all look like some beer-drinkin' motherfuckers.
  • They had me at the sight of the Water Buffalo Poohbah hat.
  • we called it kickball and it was a passionate and regular part of my childhood!
  • Mr. Mickey's in a summer kickball league. At their first game last night, they were soundly defeated. There's something unexpectedly humbling about losing a kickball game as an adult. But now you can blame it on the beer.
  • I loved the sound that kicking the ball made. A metallic, almost bell-like sound with a good *whack* noise in there too.
  • *beans petebest in the face* Dodgeball!
  • Sort of a *smack!* combined with a *ping!*, with a hint of echo.
  • *beans Koko in the face* You're out!
  • Good grief.
  • If I could have back even half the hours I wasted being forced to play endless games of kickball as a child, I would weep for joy and then have time to sleep for a few weeks before sitting down to write the great American novel. The novel, of course, would be the story of a sensitive young girl traumatized by endless hours of forced kickball.
  • The novel, of course, would be the story of a sensitive young girl traumatized by endless hours of forced kickball. Yes, yes, of course. *Grumbles, swigs coffee and goes back to work on novel about stunningly good looking, brilliant, and well hung drummer forced to battle the lunatic whims of a small and somewhat bookish monkey community of teh Intarwebs*
  • *beans petebest's coffee*
  • You're OUT!!! *continues to ignore screams*
  • What's the deal with kickball? I saw some adults playing this game for about an hour and literally nobody made it to first base. Every single ball kicked, whether caught or not, resulted in an out. The kickball I played as a kid was definitely not like this...a fair ball hitting the ground after a kick was a reason to run to first. WTF is the deal with the modern game?