June 08, 2006
Genpets: the only bioengineered buddies.
Available in the one-year- and three-year-lifespan models.
They're a little tough, but if you marinate them first, the cook up real good.
un-, you've neglected to remove the packaging (again). I've been wishing something short-lived would imprint on me. :D I want an orange one, please, preferably with 4 blue LED's shining, as "Genpet™ life may vary depending on temperature and Genpet ™ freshness" is not a warning to take lightly. Thank you, bioengineers of the interweb. *sniff* *sniff* oh no.. do I smell vapour??!
Satire or no, that's pretty gross. Bioengineered pets can be just as cute as naturally evolved pets, in a possibly luminous, designer sorta way .
reflecked: better be sure that it doesn't get stuck behind the couch and die.
Is that from the promotion of some past film? I vaguely recall that name, a year or os ago...
Heh. Funny stuff :) From Whois, the website was created a year ago and is registered to Adam Brandejs, who seems to be a commercial sculptor and artist from Canada. He even has a MySpace profile :)
Ugh. I just realise that not only did my previous comment contain two smilies, I also included a link to MySpace. Kill me now.
"Satire or no..." Huh? You doubt that this is genuine? Why ever would you think that?
Lost my sense of humour - this sickens me beyond belief - okay somewhere here i had a satire bypass
Apparently, in person, you can see the genpets actually move - most sleep, but some twist and struggle against the ties around their limbs (and if you look closely, there is bruising where they are restrained).
"this sickens me beyond belief" ... little bit of an over reaction.
Flagpole, you might be thinking of "RePet" from The 6th Day.
How many holes do they have?
To bad they didn't give us pictures of "mature" pets. I picture them with Chia Pet plants in place of hair. I do hope they get better looking as they age. I though it was a nice touch that they offer full service and support, and that if you have a problem with your pet, they'll respond to email to the service dept. within 24 hours.
Reminds me of that failed Ripley clone in Aliens 4. "killll meee....pleeaaasse."
Check out the storefront. *suspiciously eyes the Toronto monkeys*
Oooo, little baby replicants!
Monkeyfilter: how many holes do they have?
National Geographic wrote an interesting article about this.
"this sickens me beyond belief" I don’t believe that. Unlike robots, you can have sex with them. (Still anticipating the arrival of “Suckdogs”)
MonkeyFilter: Still anticipating the arrival of “Suckdogs” Thanks everyone! Goodnight! Drive safe!