June 01, 2006

Batwoman switches teams. This changes EVERYTHING. [INSERT OBVIOUS JOKE HERE] Miaowrrr!
  • Er... That would be *Bat* woman. Check your first link again, Captain.
  • hehehehehehehe!!!!! cat/bat/hat/sat/fat/at/mat/pat/rat/vat all sounds about the same.. someone find a link to RatWoman... I've already got the links to FatWoman and VatWoman... For the right price, Capt., the boss here (that would be BossWoman) will remove this post so you don't have to have it haunt you the rest of your life... :-)
  • Fuck. *deep breath* FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. As if I didn't make an ass of myself enough here on a regular basis as it was...
  • Lord Monkeybashi, how great Thou art, please eek the thread and revise history!
  • Nein! Zis "Batvoman" iss intriguink to me. Zere vill be no eeking ofh ze sread! *hits table with riding crop*
  • Never write in patois, kids.
  • Blithering idiot. But I loves ya, ya big lug!
  • *runs crying to kit's arms*
  • I had never heard of thie "Batwoman" broad. How the hell many "Bat" people are there? Batfetus? Batgranny? Batsecondcousintwiceremoved?
  • I had never heard of thie "Batwoman" broad. How the hell many "Bat" people are there? There're wayyyy too many, taking the long view. Essentially, from the 40s-60s, DC kept adding new Bat-characters to cash in on Batman's popularity, so that you had an extended Bat-family of Batman, Robin, Batwoman, Batgirl, Ace the Bat-Hound (and yes, the dog wore a mask, too), and (sigh) a mischievous imp called the Bat-Mite. Eventually, DC Editorial woke up and realized that this cast bloat was sort of undermining the lone-wolf avenger of the night thing, and went after the bat-family with a weed-whacker. But nostalgia being what it is, they always creep back in. Look for Ace and the Bat-Mite to be showing up any day now.
  • Don't forget Ace-the-Bat-Dog and Bat-Mite!
  • Which I was trying to post before COBRA! ruined EVERYTHING!
  • DC is also bringing back the Man-Bat with his own solo title, which is of course awesome. Discuss.
  • sorry. the bat-mite made me do it.
  • Batswoman?
  • teh hott.
  • Oh, and as for Catwoman switching teams, Frank Miller had her in an ambiguous lesbian relationship (and an unambiguous career as a hooker) way back in the 80s, in the actually-really-good-despite-Miller's-issues-with-women Batman: Year One.
  • I did some strategic editing.
  • Gracias, monkeybashi muchacha!
  • Yeah, well, Bats don't go "Miawrrr!" so there. They go "squee squee squee I am using Bat Sonar that you can't hear!!!
  • *missed whatever faux pas the capt. committed* *happily imagines something even worse instead*
  • Faux pas = "Cat", s/b "Bat". Really quite funny, and was a great self-derail.
  • From the CNN article on the same subject:
    "This is not just about having a gay character," DiDio said. "We're trying for overall diversity in the DC universe. We have strong African-American, Hispanic and Asian characters. We're trying to get a better cross-section of our readership and the world." The outing of Batwoman created a furor of opinions on Web sites devoted to DC Comics. Opinions ranged from outrage to approval. Others took a more tongue-in-cheek approach to the announcement. "Wouldn't ugly people as heroes be more groundbreaking?" asked one poster. "You know, 200-pound woman, man with horseshoe hair loss pattern, people with cold sores, etc.?"
    Teehee. And I hear Bat-Mite is trisexual.
  • DC is also bringing back the Man-Bat with his own solo title, which is of course awesome. Discuss. I used to looooove me some Man-Bat, mainly because he looked like he belonged in a kickass Universal monster movie and could totally rip heads off and fly and shit. Put another way, I want to read it. And Moon Knight
  • Trac is guilty of double-confusion! Meanwhile, this thread is driving me bats!
  • I always suspected something.
  • "Wouldn't ugly people as heroes be more groundbreaking?" asked one poster. "You know, 200-pound woman, man with horseshoe hair loss pattern, people with cold sores, etc.?" This is an excellent question. The answer: "groundbreaking" == "hot asskicking lesbians are inherently marketable" TP, I've got Man-Bat #1 for your borrowage and perusal. The cover is gorgeous. Also, The Question is patrolling Gotham in the new 52 series. Me happy.
  • Oh, and Julie Newmar is just...just.../sputtle
  • *throws some ice over middleclasstool, watches him steam*
  • JUSTICE BUDDIES OF AMERICA STAFF ROSTER The Cold Saw - Herpes-ravaged Hero! Head Horseshoe - Amazing Alopecia-afflicted Action Man! Little Missy Big - Diet-despising Dare-Devil Dame! GO JUSTICE BUDDIES!
  • *activates power shorts*
  • MCT: Is this the zen-buddhist psychadelic Question, or the Ayn Rand-quoting fascist Question? Or am I confused?
  • He's been a bit dark so far, but nothing overtly facist. Plus, you know, there've been lesbians there, too.
  • Hey! They printed my letter in Penthouse! It's called, "A Lesbian No More"!
  • I once read a quote from a film studies book that said something like when there was a $100 million action movie where the hero was a 200 lb butch lesbian mathematician who had to deliver some secret papers to the president to save the world then we'd know that we were living in a more egalitarian society. I think that movie would rock. Didn't someone post a website that listed all gay and lesbian (or suspected gay and lesbian) comic book characters? Isn't the Green Arrow gay (or someone in his book)? I know Catwoman's friend/sidekick Holly is. (And yes, I *did* go into the hairdresser with a picture of Holly and say "I want this haircut." What of it? ;) )
  • Green Arrow is not gay, but yeah, there have been quite a few gay heroes. All of them unspeakably hot, natch.
  • Well, it's kind of you to say, but no, I'm not gay. Not that there's anything wr-*Ow!* okay okay geez.
  • I am saddened by the revisionist history of this thread, and now wonder what else has been changed, after the fact, on Monkeyfilter to hide the fucktardedness of regular conributors. Does Medusa REALLY pee in men's mouths? Dit Kit REALLY paint any of those acryllics? Is Bees REALLY writing all that poetry, or does he just get his posts "strategically edited" so he ends up looking like Mr. Hot Fucking Poet Man, but actually is sort of the other guy in Cyrano, and YES I KNOW THAT IF I WERE LITERATE I WOULD KNOW THAT CHARACTER'S NAME. And, I think Chyren is double-posting under the pseudonym of BasilDrak. So there.
  • Wondertwin powers smacktivate!
  • reality: bees, kit & I do a collaborative performance art piece where I pee on his paintings while bees recites poetry...chyren is my sock puppet and basildrak is an alien come here to lay his eggs in our abdominal cavities...
  • *hands Ralph a Scooby Snack*
  • I caught their act at the Edinburgh Festival. I left $0.32 in the guitar case.
  • The Aristocrats!
  • Batwoman is abusing animals! Quick, to the PETAmobile!