May 27, 2006

Hey, Good-lookin', What Ye Got Cookin'?
  • Hee hee hee hee. And this is why I love scientists. Microwaved exploding bananas to thee, bees!
  • Needs more pix and vids..
  • Wacky science on the internet! Reminds me of George Goble's homepage, lighting a BBQ grill with liquid oxygen. Blast from the past.
  • nice bees. very nice. starts looking for 2nd-hand microwave
  • Heh! microwave = new toy
  • ))))) This is better than red ochre in the oven!
  • mmmmmmm, real "mag-ma"
  • Thanks Bees-- hopefully this will kill off those tired paper mache volcanos at middle school science fairs.
  • Anything that calls for welder's Argon is OK by me!
  • Har! Yay, bees! That's something fun to do with the microwave at work, when nobody's looking - a melt-and-run incident.
  • Peeps + microwave = GIANT PEEPS