May 25, 2006

The male obsession with size appears to be universal. And while we're at it, the lengths some humans will go to find the shed sexual ornaments of elk.

I was sure excited when I saw 'em, I can tell you that. That's almost more exciting than hunting season.

  • Males may be obsessed with size, but the ladies can also can get hung-up over it. Look at a typical anorexic. I conclude size is not an either-or gender issue, such ill-thought expressions to the contrary.
  • I agree with your sentiment bees, however I don't think the article was referring to the human species, rather our dear antlered and feathered friends... I wouldn't even call it obsession (I'm assuming the author of the article was having some fun with words). The issue of gender is one that occurs readily in nature (in regards to the so-called "sexual ornaments") -- males typically produce them while females do not (elk for example).
  • Large ornaments are more effective at attracting females than a slight increase in body size. "It indicates that the male with the bigger trait had more resources," he says. Somewhat at odds with this recent post. Consider too the hapless male blanket octopus.
  • there is no limited realm. In all spaces and species, females devour males after intercourse, either figuratively or literally. Usually the former reverts to the latter after time has passed.
  • I never quibbled whe ye just nibbled; but when ye devoured my temper soured.