February 28, 2004

The End. We're sorry, but you have reached the end of the internet.

Finally free. (A touch of sillyness for a Friday.) Though I can't help but detect a note of seriousness in how many sites feel the need to remind us to go outside and play. And I rather suspect that they did not mean for me to then stay inside, searching out more versions and pondering whether the internet has a geography, whether the end is in Dallas, San Francisco or (most likely) St Johns. Our revels now are ended. An added bonus: The Second Last Page.

  • Sigh. Make that "Konets interneta." Stupid symbols. Oh, and great post!
  • Excellent work, jb. It's quite amazing how similar the wording is on most of the pages. Damn thieves.
  • AHEM.
  • Were you the originator of this joke, wendell? Yours is good, anyhow.
  • Wendell - that is brilliant :)
  • Damn, I had to feed the kids and missed the middle 3,000,000,000 pages. I hate that.
  • wget -m l=inf archive.org wtf do you mean, 'disk is full'????
  • This looks susipiciously like a post Exclamation Mark made a week or so ago: http://exclamationmark.typepad.com/blog/2004/02/the_last_pages__1.html Graciously, Exclamation Mark
  • These sites can only be a vast right-wing conspiracy to make us all watch more sports on TV.
  • Very likely, exclamation mark, but I'm afraid I didn't see it there. I was just aware they existed, and asking a friend when would I ever finish browsing the internet. I think they are a conspiracy by our mothers to get us to play outside more.
  • The middle. Ha, ha, ha.
  • I'm wondering where the beginning of the internet is. The first page. It's been so long since I started surfing, that I simply can't remember.
  • I think Al Gore has it.
  • Anyone who reached the true end of the internet would have to have seen every bit of the porn (the bestial, the excremental, the furry, the juvenile, the geriatric, that of every little twisted fetish none of us have ever even imagined). He would have to have responded to every bit of his spam (he would, of course, have had to have seen the order forms and confirmation pages on a million "cheap drugs," "penis enlargement," and "extremely lifelike baby doll" websites). He would have to be fluent in every language known to man. He would have had to read every comment on every Yanni, N*Sync, and Mormon Tabernacle Choir fan site in existence. I salute and pity that man. Does anyone else get the "extremely lifelike baby doll" spam at least twice a day? "Here is your first picture of Emily!"
  • babywannasofa: quidnuncwannababy.
  • For the record, "End of the Internet" pages were popping up getting noticed four years ago in '00, and my 'past-the-end-of-the-internet' was put up on my old site as a response on April Fools Day. Just wait 'til you see what I'm planning for THIS April Fools Day.... Bwa-ha-ha-ha...
  • Not only that, babywannasofa, but you'd have to do it in a nanosecond, because the internet is so dynamic. And you forgot to mention the AOL/geocities homepages. *shudders*
  • There was an ad on TV with this theme a while ago. (guy gets hi speed access; guy surfs a lot, really fast; guy reaches 'the end' of the internet') Probably somebody on the internet thought it up first though.
  • I figure the internet has to be a Moebius strip. But, once you looped back to the sites you saw when you first started surfing, you'd have forgotten 'cause so many of them look the same.