May 22, 2006

Global news, as it happens, via a nifty flash-based map of the world. May be an addictive way to get your news.
  • OOOO very nifty. Here is a hint though - go to Setting and turn of the annoying big balloon first.
  • See, this is the sort of shit I have been expecting in the 21st Century. True, I kinda imagined it on a big screen on the wall, & the decor is out of Space 1999, but we are getting there.
  • Apparently Bush is still President. I'm heading back down to my panic room.
  • Nice, but no news sources from California? And on this map Dallas is placed approximately where New Orleans should be... did Katrina mess things up THAT MUCH?
  • Add a link to realtime video feed from someone at that place ('casting from his/her webcam or cellphone) and we're talking newstainment.
  • Very cool.
  • Okay, that fucking seriously rules. That's the best idea I've seen since this treemap news site, only less noisy.
  • By the way, the biggest headline on that treemap site right now is that Barry Bonds just tied Babe Ruth's home run record. Babe Ruth ate pure pork fat and smoked cigar butts that he found on men's room floors. Barry Bonds pumped himself so full of horse 'roids that he gained a full fucking hat size. You do the math. /derail
  • Horse hemorroids? *heaves*
  • I figured out how (with the annoying balloons) to get to the full stories, but not to the story I wanted to read. This may be a good idea, but it's terribly done. It looks pretty, but it's Flash, so you can't right click and open the stories in another window to read them, and it's way over complicated for what it needs to be. Couldn't they have done this more simply in a way that actually works? I'm going back to BBC news, which has straight forward working links to news from diffferent regions.
  • middleclasstool...what's a "fucking hat"? Should one always be worn during that activity? Where is it worn? And...should it have a brim, and if so, wouldn't that get in the way? :-\
  • Yeah, I can't figure out how to get to the story I actually want to read -- when I turn the big balloon off, clicking does nothing for me; when I have it on, I can only click on what The Machine wants me to read. Great idea, but I'm with jb on this one..
  • Wear your fucking hat backward, Bob, or the bill will flap against your boys in a decidedly unfriendly way.
  • Well, the Cylon who answers my phone likes it.
  • Fucking hats go with a pimp style.
  • Great idea, but I'm with jb on this one.. ... and the pop up text is hard to read as red and black over blue and green.
  • Other than that, cool.
  • Fussy buggers. *mumbles, sulks*
  • I got the links to work even without the bubble. Click on the dot, then a bubble opens up, then click on the little headline. I'm using FF, if that makes a difference.
  • then click on the little headline Ooo! Right on. I was clicking the wrong stuff. Okay, it's going into the hotlink bar. Thanks, Tracicle!