February 27, 2004

Polystyrene the Unhealthy. Polystyrene is everywhere. And we know it's bad for the environment. But did you know that the base for the product, styrene, is horrendously poisonous and has been found in 100% of all samples of human fat tissue taken in relevant studies? What does this mean? Main link snarfled from Bifurcated Rivets

Both my uncles and one aunt worked at a polystyrene manufacturing joint called Trondex in Northampton, UK, during the '80s. All of these individuals later developed severe neurological problems, including full blown mental illness (schizophrenia) in one case. Could this be related? Maybe not, but it sure don't help. Just how scary is this issue? Very scary. Styrene oil contaminates *all* polystyrene products, and worse still, it leeches out into most of the food or beverages contained in polystyrene packaging. Sheeeit.

  • Oh my god! AAAAAAAAAAAARGH! (runs from room) Oh, I posted this...
  • WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE !!! no, really
  • This just in: Any and everything in this world CAN kill you. Be afraid... I take all these types of research studies with a grain of salt (speaking of salt, did you know it could mess up your....etc). I say carpe diem, stop worrying about what could kill you and just enjoy life.
  • Did you know that both of the constituant elements of salt, sodium and chlorine, are horrendously poisonous and have been found in 100% of all samples of human fat tissue taken in relevant studies? What does that mean? </troll>
  • (tears at hair) AAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!
  • Did you know that tearing at your own hair is a leading cause of chronic alopecia in human males?
  • Grand. I was always a big fan of David Ferrie.
  • Yea, yea, yea, nobody gets out alive. But do I really HAVE to go out twitching and drooling with all those lovely tumors? Low levels of styrene DO occur naturally in fruits, vegetables, nuts, beverages, and meats, as do other VOSes, such as benzene and ethylene. Adding up ALL that VOS exposure is what makes me nervous. Just a little googling: "...carcinogenic chemical styrene was found at a maximum of 550 ppb in raw avocados. Since the total styrene intake has been estimated to be about 9