May 09, 2006

Tim Patch is a Succesful Artist Tips for becoming a succesful artist: * Choose a medium that you have a passion for. * Do what 99% of people won't do. * Create your own style. (NSF the Buttocks Avoidant)
  • I wonder how he cleans his brush.
  • Surprised they're not watercolours.
  • Nice hat.
  • Does Mrs. Patch just enjoy his brush strokes, or does she know his work inside and out?
  • I hear his style started out quite interesting, but over the years he's just petered out.
  • If you absolutely must know more about this visionary, the Register will provided you with a little (very little) more information. Tim Patch on the inspiration to embark on his unique career: "I told a friend I could paint with my dick and she was really enthusiastic." In such a crucible is genius forged, my friends.
  • John Howard deserves nothing less than having his face penis-smeared.
  • who knew the penis had SO MANY handy applications?
  • Why, I just buttered my bagel with mine.
  • I notice he doesn't offer any tips for becoming a GOOD artist.
  • If hope he's wearing protection. Otherwise, all those beautiful chemicals on the paint... of course, he might be working with edible, cake paint. Hmm, once he hooks up with this other artist, the art world will never be the same.
  • Oh, yeah. I heard that Michelangelo used his Giovanni Tommaso to chisel out the Pièta.
  • Bernini too. Not generously endowed, he could get a lot of detailing done.
  • How does he do all those colors? I tried but could get only yellow.
  • I surprised that unusual uses for the penis didn't come up (so to speak) in the Watermelon thread.
  • that painting of john howard looks an awful lot like DICK cheney...
  • Do you suppose Tim Patch is a cock-eyed optimist?
  • Do you think the penis mightier than the brush?
  • Do you think the paintings look organic?
  • Do you think he beats the devil out of his brush after cleaning it?
  • Do you think he paints on the fly?
  • I surprised that unusual uses for the penis didn't come up (so to speak) in the Watermelon thread. Oh, no. You've got these Monkeys all wrong. They're honest, hard-working lettuce fuckers! Also, I just got home where I felt it was safe to look at this link, and I gotta ask: why the white top hat and bow tie? It's just so demeaning.
  • You're just jealous that you don't have a penis to paint with.
  • Not only are we the top google search for "horse buggery", but also for "lettuce fucker". Go MoFi!!
  • From the distortions of the images he painted you'd figure he took a quick glans at the subject and nothing more. But perhaps that's pee-meditated, after all, no-one else can really say what goes on in an artists head.
  • D'oh, pre-meditated...
  • Freud would love this.
  • Insolent Chimp, you worked hard at that. Somebody get this guy a corona.
  • Bah, that's nothing. You should have seen my ex-girlfriend - the sculpter.
  • the penis mightier than the sword?
  • Freud would love this. Sigmund or Lucian?
  • I like the way John Howard looks like he's backing away in disgust... Sorry, can't think of a penis pun...
  • See also: twart. Examples here
  • Buttocks Avoidant Is that Heraldry term? Like "lions rampant" or "griffin couchant"?
  • More of a "Bend Sinister", perhaps.
  • "Sigmund or Lucian?' Well played, Pleggy. Well played!
  • Neither would have liked it.