May 08, 2006

Mmmmm, watermelon! For those of us in North America, we're rapidly approaching that time of year when sweet green-shelled cannonballs are in season. It's been immortalized in music as the epitome of smooth and cool.

Celebrated as a cash crop, inspiration for countless recipes, it's flavor craved in the most impractical ways, Subject of bizarre myths, refreshing, intoxicating. Can anything compare to watermelon?

  • I just had watermelon with my dinner. I don't remember anything but the watermelon. Nothing compares. <3
  • You really can't talk watermelon without mentioning the Watermelon Thump
  • What's with these newfangled "personal watermelons", anyway? They're too big for one person.
  • I was going to say something but i changed my mind.
  • Picture a hot Arizona summer day, and you're outside working with some friends. It's 110, and the sun is withering you fast. Then someone brings an ice chest, and along with the cold sodas, there's a nice cold sweet, crisp watermelon. There's no other relief like that - it tastes great and will cool both your body and your soul down fast.
  • My local grocery store just started selling parts of watermelons, still on the rind, wrapped in cellophane. They're so good and sweet, and just enough for me to finish off in a day or two. Mmmmm.
  • Nope watermelons just don't do it for me.
  • OMG!!! Thanx for doing this... I LOVE WATERMELONS!! They are my *favorite*. I've also noticed a rising emergence of synthetic watermelon products like bubble gum, flavored drinks, etc.
  • when i was growing up, our mother used to tell my sister and me that if you swallowed a watermelon seed and then later ate even a TINY amount of dirt, it would take root...then, whenever you drank water, it would grow and grow...she told us this over and over again...i guess it was real funny to her watching my sister get all OCD over dirt (never wanting to go outside, washing compulsively, etc) and me refusing to go to the bathroom for fear i would pass one of those 40 pound motherfuckers. ahhh, growing up in the south...good times! there were always several patches of watermelon going in the neighborhood in any given for the kids and etc...when you wanted to harvest them, you'd just turn the hose on 'trickle' and drop it in the middle of the patch for a few days and they would quadruple in size...very cool. btw, i'm sure you guys have all tried the recipe where you cut a small hole in the side and then insert either a bottle of rum or your penis, but have you tried this one?: hide in a tree with a medium sized watermelon* and then chuck it at someones head...good times! *large sized watermelon=manslaughter
  • Tis great stuff but this post sadly reminds me that our season is all but at an end (siiiiiiiiiigh)
  • Watermelons have no taste. Honeydew melons, on the other hand... I ate a whole honeydew melon last night for my supper. I had to, or it would have diappeared by this morning.
  • Never cared for watermelon. Too much... well, water. The only time I was ever popular as a kid was at school picnics, because kids knew I would give away my slice of watermelon.
  • Why Skrik - do honeydew melons roam at night?
  • That's why you have to deal with the honeydew melons before you go to bed - so they CAN'T ELOPE! (thanks for the setup, guys)
  • Plus, everyone knows that if you leave a melon unattended in your house at night, its true vampire nature will come back to bite you.
  • When I lived in South Dakota: even proportioned slices were prepared. Everyone was careful not to eat too close to the rind. Seeds were discreetly placed onto a plate. My grandmother always saved the leftover rinds and made pickles from them. When I lived in North Carolina: watermelons were butchered into an array of sizes and cuts. Plenty of saltshakers provided for a salty-sweet treat. Spitting of seeds was encouraged... there were no left over rinds (just some fleshy green skins). When I lived in Indonesia: watermelon was cut, cubed, and placed on a large tray. A handy plastic toothpick was provided, a skewer of sorts. Some kind of sweet-salty concoction (surely all sorts of chemical derivatives were laced in that brown substance) was sprinkled on, and it melted across the melon - - a unique, but rather tasty way to enjoy watermelon. I also participated in a road race in Japan back in the latter 90's - - instead of providing the runners with water stations throughout the course, sliced watermelon stations provided the thirst quencher. CAN'T ELOPE! Please, no... no... no!!!
  • What a lovely fpp. Sweet. Thx.
  • My ex-husband had a method of watermelon carving that struck me funny. With the melon lying on its side, he'd make 6 or so cuts equally spaced around it and down the long axis, just deep enough to reach the vein of seeds that surround the heart. This was done with great speed and showmanship. A brisk tap on one of the segments would cause the melon to split into the heart (intact) and the seedy segments around it. The heart would be shared among the adults, and the kids in the party would get the melon equivalent of the "pope's nose" (chicken tail, which was the youngest's portion in the southern US.)
  • I think they have treatment for that now.
  • really? i thought if your pope got pope's nose you had to throw him out and get a whole new pope...
  • Funniest thing in the world is to throw a big watermelon into the horse trough to cool on a hot day, then watch the horses play snorkle trying to get aholt of it. Later, after you slice, spit, and stuff yourself silly with lovely cool watermelon, you can feed the horses the rinds. They love 'em. Cracks me up to watch them drooling, dribbling, dripping, and foaming at the mouth trying to get as much down as possible. I have a mare that rolls her eyes when she eats watermelon.
  • I once helped referee a sopranos-vs-basses Chamber Choir Watermelon Eating Contest. The sopranos won by a (pope's) nose.
  • My cats act that way over corn on the cob, Gramma.
  • I don't like watermelon. It's too watery, too grainy and doesn't taste like anything. Gimme a nice cantaloupe any day.