I thought Germane was in Europe, that's no where near New Zealand.
OMG... Tracicle? Oh no! God! NO, the humanity! ........... wait a minute, whew, I think she's okay.
Yep, tsunami warnings downsized to ripple watch - I was too impetuous.
Wha? I just woke up, didn't feel a thing.
This webcam in Cathedral Square updates more often and has a lovely picture of the Chalice, a monument to cannabis I don't know what.
"You keep saying that. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Oh shit, wrong thread.
Whoah magnitude 8. Scary stuff. We've had a few 5.6 ones over the last couple of weeks here in this part of Japan and they are unnerving enough.
Man, a rip-snorting 8.0 just 100 miles from the capital city, and the photo caption just says it all: The quake caused damage but it is not thought too serious.
cannabisI don't know what.