May 01, 2006

The Red Flag: the song, the man, the monument For years the anthem of the British Labour Party, it survived an attempt to replace it in 1925.

The Red Flag is traditionally sung to the tune of Tannenbaum. However, Jim Connell, the song's writer, wanted it sung to the air of The White Cockade. There are different versions available here. Billy Bragg's version (to The White Cockade) is discussed here.

  • I didn't actually know about that Tannenbaum thing, having really only heard Bill's stellar recording. First time I saw Bill, someone requested Covert Battalions. He declined, claiming that he had "forgotten the words". He also ignored be waving the lyrics in front of him. Like we need Billy singing in order to sing along with Billy...
  • be = me
  • > that Tannenbaum thing yeah, i find this a shame. as one of the linked articles notes, the tannenbaum air is basically a dirge, whereas the song was written to be rousing, for which a reel is much more appropriate and fun.