April 19, 2006

Quiet! Kang is Talking! Civil war re-enactors? No. Marvel Secret Wars Re-Enactors? YES. via youtube

I love you youtube. This is teh awesome.

  • Actually, it was via Unqualified Offerings, via Crooks and Liars. But what's a link or two between friends?
  • The ending is priceless. Comic nerds (like myself)need no explanation.
  • Wicked! /Puts on Absorbing Man costume. I just wanted an excuse to take my shirt off.
  • Shazam!
  • What, no Captain America? He totally has the final confrontation with Dr. Doom! I would be Molecule Man. Why, you ask? One word - Titania.
  • That Hulk cover was a classic.
  • Glad it wasn't a re-enactment of Secret War or it would have taken a year and a half to complete.
  • I just remembered that Molecule Man didn't hook up with Titania; it was even better. Volcana!
  • A laugh a minute. "Power unimaginable, but at what cost? Your soul. Only your soul." (quote from another part of Mavel's body of work: "The Savage Sword of Conan" series - the one with a wonderful King Kull short, which I seem to have lost, in which Kull wonders how he can continue to hold the Topaz Throne when 'even the dead conspire against him!'). Yes, other great reenactments can be expected to be reprized. But then again, at what cost?
  • Didn't Magneto and Xavier reveal their forbiden mutant love in that series?
  • Kids today, they're reading about Wolverine's cloned sister. What the hell is that about? wtf?
  • Cloned sister X-23. God, am I a nerd!!!
  • I wonder if Wolverine ever fucked himself by accident, not knowing that she was him. It'd be like, "oh, fuck me!" Par for the course.
  • so, uh, if i thought x-23 was hot, would that make me gay?
  • I love some Savage Sword of Conan, the big magazine-sized black-and-white issues with the oil-painting covers. At age 13, living in the south, that was the closest I could get to legal porn. And oh, it was close enough.
  • That’s where Ultron broke the Hulk’s leg. ‘Splain that one to me... I mean he can withstand the force and pressure of a mountain range multiple times the size of the Andes, but there’s this ‘beam’ that is so strong it breaks his leg...wha? I’m a big Hulk fan (Peter David era especially), but Marvel uses him as the benchmark for everything. Hulk is the strongest one there is - except this guy is really bad too and he fights the Hulk! Oh, and this beam is SOOO strong it can break his leg. Also there’s this other guy who can beat the Hulk, but only when we want to show how bad ass he is. Hey, I’m willing to suspend my belief and I’m not into the pseudo-trekkie technobabble “how does the cloak work in warp” sort of thing. But jeez, tell a good story whydon’tcha instead of just marketing the gee-gaws. (not that Secret Wars didn't have it's moments)
  • Of course, the less said about Secret Wars II and the Beyonder's mullet and jumpsuit, the better.
  • Someone feels that Ultron vs Juggernaut would be a pretty sweet fight.
  • Also (man...this is so totally in my nerd wheelhouse) it depends on what Hulk you are talking about. Smart
  • Yeah grover96, but all 'Hulks' are subject to the whole "let's have 'em fight just to show how bad-ass the new guy is!" schtick. That's to sell other stuff, not the comic that is in your hand. I like the idea of the ultron vs. juggernaut fight. (Wow! the kids on that site haven't read a lot of stuff) Lots of opportunities for drama - the power bickering aside - ultron wants to kill everyone and juggernaut unstoppably will bring ruin to everyone even those he cares about. Lotsa room there to write interesting things. But y'know, gotta shill.
  • Me, personally, always that Juggy vs Blob would be a interesting match-up...unstoppable vs immoveable.
  • The Hulk pulled the Blob off the ground (tore up two chunks of earth stuck to his feet too). The grey Hulk grabbed two handfuls of his blubber and just started stretching. I don't know that the Blob could give Juggy a real fight. I'd like to see the Absorbing Man vs. Juggy or the Fantastic Four vs. Juggy. Gladiator vs. Juggy would be the one I'd like to see.
  • I hope she has lots of Band-Aids.
  • Vinny Jones as the juggernaught?!! That's it, I'm going to see that piece of crap.
  • Bitch!