April 19, 2006

William Shatner on Vegetarianism circa 1982. Direct link to .mpg (300Mb). via growabrain
  • "What's a vegetarian?" Then I stopped downloading; I have better things to do with 300MB bandwidth.
  • There are lower bandwidth versions, that's just the recommended one. C'maaaaan - it's the Shat!
  • 300 mb? That link needs to go on a vegetarian diet! *crickets* Oh yeah? Well the jerk store called...
  • Okay okay - 33Mb, 75Mb, 99Mb, 143Mb. Whatamibid, whatamibid??
  • )((! Thanks, petebest - amusingly dated in parts, but quite powerful. I especially enjoyed the attempted kidnapping by Isaac Bashevis Singer towards the end. Shatner needs to cut back on the eggplant parmesan these days.
  • As a vegetarian myself, I loved the movie. Thanks petebest!
  • Anyone remember Lee Majors bizarre speech in the middle of 'Killer Fish' in defence of bisexuality? Me neither.
  • > Okay okay - 33Mb, 75Mb, 99Mb, 143Mb. pfft, mp4! i want it in ogg tarkin! /joke. thanks pete. i watched part of this at lunchtime and will finish the leftovers later.
  • Catain Foon: Wait till Spork hears this! Mr Spork (glacial): The third stanza is the work of a bigot, Jim. The Logical Vegetarian You will find me drinking rum, Like a sailor in a slum, You will find me drinking beer like a Bavarian, You will find me drinking gin In the lowest kind of inn, Because I am a rigid Vegetarian. So I cleared the inn of wine, And I tried to climb the sign, And I tried to hail the constable as 'Marion' But he said I couldn't speak And he bowled me to the Beak Because I was a happy Vegetarian. Oh, I knew a Doctor Gluck, And his nose it had a hook, And his attitudes were anything but Aryan; So I gave him all the pork That I had, upon a fork; Because I am myself a Vegetarian. I am silent in the club, I am silent in the pub, I am silent on a bloody peak in Darien; For I stuff away for life Shoving peas in with a knife, Because I am at heart a Vegetarian. No more the milk of cows Shall pollute my private house Than the milk of the wild mares of the Barbarian; I will stick to port and sherry, For they are so very, very, So very, very, very Vegetarian. -- G.K. Chesterton
  • If we're not suppossed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?
  • Think a more fruitful (;]) inquiry might be: Why do people have teeth, plus intestinal fauna/flora enabling us to ingest/digest meat as well as plants? Because there's considerable advantage in being an omnivore rather than a herbivore. Possible to ingest more calories faster/with less effort/time than a cow, for example. Conclusion: Versatility counts for much in dining.
  • Eat healthy, eat cat, the other white meat.
  • Nnnnnnnnno?
  • Yyyyyyyyyyeeeeessssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • My cat lives on a diet of dry cat kibbles and my ankles.
  • What's the riboflavin content of your ankles TUM?
  • It depends on wether his underpants are up or down.
  • ingest! in jest 'tis for the best that cats go flying galleywest
  • Kids With High IQs Grow Up to Be Vegetarians As a child's IQ rises, his taste for meat in adulthood declines, a new study suggests. British researchers have found that children's IQ predicts their likelihood of becoming vegetarians as young adults -- lowering their risk for cardiovascular disease in the process. The finding could explain the link between smarts and better health, the investigators say.
  • Primo roryk! Smoochas Grassyass! and well H-dogged, I might say.
  • The finding could explain the link between smarts and better health, the investigators say. It may also explain the connection between smarts and adolescent contrarian disaffection. I mean, really, how lame is that?
  • It's totally lame. I bet those investigators are all grown ups too. Never trust anyone over thirty.
  • Well yeah if there aren't any plants. ??? What kind of messed up theory is that. Rocks just didn't make the cut. Thank goodness.
  • well, every year (the old folks say) we all swallow a peck of dirt the wind lays grains of grit on my dry lips dry columns of air lift the marble fragments rubbed loose by ridged fingers I gaze into the deeps where motherlode lurks in secret crannies of spinach and celery small nuggets tucked between clenched stems abrade our teeth
  • I've often thought about that "pound of dirt" (the way I was always told it). Bravo!