April 18, 2006

Monkey Love for Sale
  • Lovely. Possibly NSFW - (they's got them wimmen boobieses in 'em)
  • appetizing monkey love for sale?
  • since when is Monkey Love SFW, anyway?
  • Since when is browsing the web safe for work? The hell with NSFW tags!
  • Oohhhh, hot jungle love! Hot monkey jungle love. Hot hairy monkey jungle love. Hot squirming hairy monkey jungle love. Hot nekked squirming hairy monkey jungle love. You get the picture.
  • I'm going to buy one. =P
  • Hot nekkid squirming hairy itchy rashy monkey jungle love. Hot nekkid squirming hairy itchy rashy banana-breathy monkey jungle love.
  • She looks like Tracicle. Or, at least like I imagine #1 looks like. That shy smile, cinnamon skin, etc. Whooo!
  • What's with the monkey's hand in #2? And her hand in #3, for that matter? Now we know why she smiles.
  • No wonder there's a market for dead monkey hands. I'd never thought of that before. Down there. Touching it. With that. Mind you, there's some pretty phallic action going on with that tail-groping and the ol' banana standby.
  • Check out the tail in #5. Ewww...
  • The girl in the pictures looks to me like she's meant to be barely out of puberty. They're like a token attempt at Island Romanticism, Gauguin-style. Nice, though. Not so much cute as erotic. And what's up with the sailor hat?
  • Oh, my. It gets worse. May I present, again by Amy Crehore, Pettin' Da' Poodle.
  • Not to be outdone by Pattin' Dat Cat
  • RTD! Put your tongue back in your mouth!
  • Kitsch.
  • Um, she has several with minstrel figures. I'm willing to admit to a lack of (anything greater than general) knowledge about art, but how is that not icky?
  • It's not icky. I've seen far 'worse' depicted in paintings in the Tate in London. There is nothing particularly disturbing about the content, the artist presumably intends irony. It's just ...
  • Stan the Bat: I bow to your superior knowledge of hot nekkid squirming hairy itchy rashy banana-breathy howler monkey jungle love.
  • No, no, dear lady- I only wished to contribute to the collective wisdom. The knowledge which I humbly offer is only 'superior' in the sense that it is vast and encyclopedic. ...Knowledge of itchiness, that is. Of hot nekkid squirming etcetera, I know next to nothing- just the little I've been able to pick up on the streets, by hanging around with The Wrong Crowd.
  • Surreptitious sneaky sweaty tropical monkey love. Me likey.
  • Islander: Get it right! Surreptitious sneaky sweaty tropical hot nekkid squirming hairy itchy rashy banana-breathy howler monkey jungle love. Oh, and that counts for four. *mumbles about folks that don't play by the rules
  • Sorry, GramMa *scratches itch*