April 18, 2006

Archaeologists dig for pyramid in Bosnia.
  • I'm packing my flashlights, sturdy boots and of course my bull whip, and I'm on my way to Bosnia. (I wish). I can't imagine the excitement of walking down those tunnels. I want to go!
  • upon opening the pyramid... socks! Millions and millions of socks!
  • And thus closes the saddest chapter in Amonkeyca's sockitary history.
  • If you find a room marked "Sacrificial Chamber," get the hell out of there.
  • What about 'Sacrificial Antechambers'?
  • Those are fine, feel free to pilfer them.
  • fuck me that's interesting.
  • So these antechambers, are they where the footie socks were kept?
  • You won't find Mummies in Auntie chambers.
  • it would be the first pyramid discovered in Europe wow!!
  • Europe hasn't discovered the pyramid? What?
  • You won't find me in Marylin Chambers. (any more)
  • We all know that when you open up old pyramids you find aliens, portals to Mars and unknown distant planets and what not, pshaw. Don't even argue, cuz if you don't know now, you'll be the first that gets chewed on.
  • chewing socks from an antique-weighted mummy will make a vampire's fangs feel gummy and doubtless then the mulligrubs would swarm within him till he blubs