April 18, 2006
Kill Your Television 2006
"Teacher! Mother! . . Secret lover!" (Homer Simpson) Yes Monkeyfans, TV Turnoff week approaches again (April 24 - 30), time for all you beer-swilling tube jockeys to switch off the idiot box for one of your 52 weeks. Research abounds, our 2004 and 2005 discussions have been lively and once again the stage is set:
What is television's impact on culture?
Are you affected by watching television?
Lace up the gloves, strap on your cup and jump in to the Chomskyist McLuhanesque vortex that promises to be MoFi TV Smackdown 2006!
have conversationsbrowse the internet. Or read comics. Friday: Cutting It The weekend: Nothing. Weekend TV is crap. I can make no further commitment.