April 18, 2006

It's not the worst bad thing he's done, but perhaps the funniest Dubya subpoenaed by the RIAA for pirating music. The video where he shoots himself in the iFoot.
  • Can't get the link up but assuming it's true, this merely confirms that the RIAA can always be counted on to prove that greed and stupidity are linked in direct proportion to each other. Most of the financial conservatives who would support the RIAA are exactly the sorts who would be outraged at them for hassling the President over such penny-ante nonsense. Next up the RIAA sues the Pope for filesharing, then administers a public beatdown to Dakota Fanning for singing a patriotic hymn without a license.
  • Site has been up and down, must have gotten posted somewhere popular. Here's the text from my cache: p2p news / p2pnet: RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) chieftain Mitch Bainwol today hand-delivered a p2p file sharing subpoena to US president George W. Bush, say sources. George W. has been video-taped openly admitting he plays music by The Beatles on the BushPod. The Big Four Organized Music cartel's RIAA is now after him for stealing copyrighted downloads. "We have to be seen to be scrupulously fair," says Bainwol. "We've subpoenaed more than 18,000 men, women and children for doing the same thing, so we can hardly ignore Predent Bush's transgressions, even if he is our leader." Recordings by The Beatles are sacrosanct and the remaining Beatles have only just agree to allow the band's works to be posted online.
  • Credit where credit's due: Apparently via BoingBoing
  • So the RIAA's point of view is that the mere presence of a song not available for legit download == p2p piracy? Like he couldn't have just ripped the CDs to his iPud, which the RIAA hates but couldn't possibly call p2p file sharing? Hmm. I doubt the veracity.
  • The RIAA claims ripping the CD to your ipod is piracy. You need to buy it from itunes for the RIAA to allow you to put it on your ipod. The Beatles haven't been on itunes, therefore Bush has violated the RIAA's view of copyright. I'd like to see a link supporting the claim that the RIAA actually did take action. The original link reads more like a hoax/joke than fact. To be consist, the RIAA does need to sue bush, but that doesn't mean they have.
  • Yeah, the RIAA dispute the existence of fair use, pretty much, with their "ban" on ripping.
  • The article is satire.
  • Let's just hope that capital punishment is possible and that this vile slime being can finally be exterminated.
  • I would like to take this opportunity to scoff at the idea that Bush uses an ipod, or has any interest in the bands he listed. It's a PR made playlist to make him more relatable. It should be obvious, even he was capable of reading the ipod without stumbling over the words.
  • LIES! Bush and Dan McLean go way back.
  • I think someone misheard this and turned it into a real story. There was a rumor on teh Intarwebs that Bush could ONLY have gotten those Beatles songs against the wishes of the RIAA because ripping CD music to a player counts as infringement in their eyes. Now it has turned into Bush being subpoenaed. If Bush was subpoenaed, it would be front page news everywhere. Not only some "we want to do illegal stuff ang get away with it website" which would take even greater pleasure than they apparently do from this. Also, what Mr. K. said. His staffers load his Ipod for when he goes jogging. Bush had nothing to do with that song list.
  • 'Tis bullshite.
  • Bush had nothing to do with that Cabinet choice? Military strategy? Federal Aid to Katrina victims? Bon Mot? Excellent decision? I could go on . . .
  • So petebest, you're saying its Cheney's responsibility?
  • It's totally all about Cheney. That way the administration can blame all the evils on him and have a scapegoat. Then when he's fired the problem is solved and we can invade another country.
  • No satisfaction for Bush.