April 10, 2006
Neato tunes!
I thought that monkeydom might enjoy this page of mp3 goodies. Cool, weird music for you and your loved ones.
Hiya Squiddy! Long time noseeum. Thanks for the, err..eclectic page of tunes - some real gems there. How goes the calamari herding?
I recognize a lot of those tunes from YTMND.com (Warning: low brow humor)
Eartha Kitt worbles! Ska Batman theme! Mingus! Nice.
sun ra does batman? life rarely gets better than this.
now, i've heard a lot of symphonic arrangements of the super mario brothers theme music, and i just have to say it makes a kind of sense for the tokyo orchestra version to be the best...
Best Safety Dance cover EVAR.
"Home for a Rest" is great too. I'm going to have to make a compilation of great drinking/drunk songs for my next boozerific party. Any suggestions may be posted here. Bonus points if they're as awesomely Celtic as this.
Here's a place to start.
Okay, "I'm Hungry" is now my new favorite song.
Hi, squidranch! A delightful mixed grill here!
Hey I can see my house from here.
hah! it is funny and a little strange to see this get posted. for the uninitiated, ieattapes = freequonsar = the group "web-log"/bash.org knockoff of irc channel #mefi (#tapes). it is a wretched hive of scum and villainy! 50pts- yep. i *think* most of the ytmnd ones are from pretty_generic... save for spanish flea, which i stubbonly insisted upon because it is, i believe, inherently funny. also, our very own cortex has more of his hawt homebrew troubadour/e-meistersinger mp3 action at his website, the aural times, recently linked here, fwiw.
Hello Islander and s'wacky! Found this when I was doing a googling about something completely different, like "8mm brass machine screws" or some other nonsense. One of the wonders of the net...
The Woolworth Manager song is beautiful. It's an anthem for bottom rung to store level retail management. (Also, it makes me think of Woolworth's lunch counter gravy and mashed potatoes.)
I'm glad to hear everyone loves the tunes! They're all stuff from my own collection, with the exception of the Steve Earl tracks and the last 6 in the assorted list, which were submitted by various people in the ieattapes.com community. I update it semi-regularly, so do make a point of checking in now and again!