April 08, 2006

Jesus never walked on water, he walked on ICE! My mind blew at the randomness of this.
  • I knew it! Jesus was a penguin.
  • Isn't the whole background story kind of 'random'? I don't understand why a few theories by scientists are more random. Surely it's admirable that researchers try to make the implausible plausible?
  • Must be the same kind of scientists who went 'round toutin' snake oil not so many decades ago.
  • Jesus' On a PLANE!!!!
  • Hah! This same oceanographer chappie has provided an explanation (long-winded video) for the parting of the Red Sea. There ye go - it's all true. Tee hee.
  • I'd like to think that humans would become less credulous over time, but I suppose that's what I get for my rare moments of optimism.
  • Wow, I'm a science guy and I think Christianity was a myth created by Paul and some other people, yet I cringe when reading this story. How could Jesus walk out to a BOAT on the water on ice? Anyone up north who goes ice fishing can tell you, if you can go boating, you can't walk on the damn ice, and vice versa.
  • The red sea was parted by the tidal wave that wiped out the antediluvian world.
  • Debaser626, you just made me roll on the floor laughing for the first time this morning so thank you! *mwah*
  • For Christ's sake (pun intended), the guys name was Doron Nof.... 'nuf said!
  • It's easier to believe he walked on water than to believe wobbling around on a chunk ice without anyone noticing him wobbling around on a chunk of ice.
  • "What also floats in water?" "Bread!" "Apples!" "Very small rocks!"
  • You know, I'm just glad to know scientists are thinking about it. (Not to mention that "Paleolimnology" is an awesome word.) I remember when the whole Shroud of Turin analysis thing came down; a pasrt of me was disappointed, but I can't help but feel the world was a bit better off.
  • So maybe he was the real inventor of pykrete?
  • I prefer to think that he walked on ice cream. Mmmmm. . . ice cream. . .
  • The miracles are to be interpreted either as the literal works of God or as symbols of the works of God. They are not to be explained scientifically.
  • What you need, my friend, is a star on your belly.
  • You shall have no other god but me.
  • Here's the deal...why the hell would anybody try to scientifically explain any damn thing in the bible? Either you buy the whole bag of wank or you don't. Next up; how Santa uses black hole theory to get around the entire world in one night! How an ancient recessive gene allows the Easter Bunny to lay chocolate eggs once a year! How Republicans get elected more than once!
  • Holy horse buggery, batman, even robots can walk on water.
  • Moneyjane, I think it's a fascinating historical issue, at least for me. For example, every major religion has some sort of Great Flood story, which has prompted scientists to suss out what this Great Flood was, when it happened, and if it will happen again. From a global weather and geological standpoint, it's very interesting and potentially important. I don't know if wanting to find a scientific explanation behind fantastic (I mean that in the old sense) religious stories necessarily negates religious faith in these stories for many of the believers. I don't know how to word what I am saying here. . .
  • 3,000 years from now every religion will have a great flood story, and it will all be based upon the global warming effects of our era and the coming, inevitable flood. We all are taught that the earth has gone through some fantastic changes over the long course of time, and yet we fail to grok that we are at the cusp of and that we are the cause of the next change. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Fundies.
  • Hey kittenhead :) I agree that it is fascinating, but where do you start, and where do you stop? Do we explain it all scientifically in a way that, from the larger view is absolutely absurd? All these extremely special circumstances and highly unusual scenarios packed shoulder to shoulder in one book, during a certain amount of time to a specific group of people? If so, I'm looking forward to the lost gospel wherein the gang was regularly struck by lightning while collecting their weekly lottery winnings.
  • How do we know all these recently found gospels, archeological discoveries and scientific explanations aren't just viral promotion to certain film coming soon? You know, the one with the painter's name...?
  • That's a great photograph, rxreed. Yours?
  • MonkeyFilter: Either you buy the whole bag of wank or you don't.
  • You know, the one with the painter's name...? Oh yeah..."Jackson Pollock Anal Slut Nuns IV" I've heard it's messy. But deep.
  • found photo of divinity
  • No, I meant Frida's Bonobo Orgy III: Hamm'er & Tickle. A real international cast, I've heard.