February 25, 2004

When you get sick of the fancy language of debate, try sarcasm! The chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors proposes to cover job losses in the manufacturing sector by... redifining McDonalds staff as manufacturing workers. In response, John Dingell tires of maintaining a non-snarky facade. [PDF]
  • It warms the cockles of my heart to read something like this, and then realize with delight that it was my very own elected representative recommending Mayor Mc Cheese for the vacant position of Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing, on congressional letterhead. Maybe there is hope for America after all.
  • It warms the cockles of my heart to read something like this and then realize with delight that it was my very own elected representative recommending Mayor McCheese for the vacant position of Assistant Secretary for Manufacturing. On congressional letterhead. There is hope for America after all.
  • D'OH! ***smacks self with a banana***
  • And you get sick of waiting in the queue, just post twice in a row. (PS, Rodger, I can't get "thews" out of my head now. The word has a terrible inevitability to it.) (PPS, yes, you can hear Kylie Minogue sing that second sentence if you listen closely.)
  • Here is the source: Box 2-2, Economic Report of the President (about 2/3rds of the way down).
  • Who elected Mayor McCheese?
  • just goes to show we can all be anything we want to be???
  • AHAHAHAHA, sorry, it's just so rare that I see such wonderful humor come from ::shudder:: a politician. Shame on me for not clicking the link earlier, that was great. [case of bananas] On preview, no this is not sarcasm, I truly enjoyed it. Thanks rodgerd!
  • Wolof, mighty thews are the gift that keeps on giving.