March 29, 2006

Are you a Grup?
He owns eleven pairs of sneakers, hasn’t worn anything but jeans in a year, and won’t shut up about the latest Death Cab for Cutie CD. But he is no kid. He is among the ascendant breed of grown-up who has redefined adulthood as we once knew it and killed off the generation gap.
  • No. I'm not a fucking "Grup."
  • Sorry, that's not directed at you Skrik. That's just sort of generalized crankiness on the constant need to define our generation as though its experiences are somehow unique. I'm sorry, I'm just not impressed by the fact that people my age are both having children AND listening to the Rock 'N' Roll.
  • I hear that all pedophiles are GRUPS.
  • Oh yeah?
  • I was at a concert last Friday night, and there were a pair of these fuckers with their kid. Who the hell brings a 2 year old to a rock concert at 11pm? I had earplugs in because it was loud. The kid kept pulling up his hood, I'm guessing because it helped muffle the noise.
  • If children are required, than I don't have to worry about ever becoming one. And I am presently hoodie-less.
  • But are all GRUPS pedophiles?
  • Thank goodness I've finally been supplied with the generational identity for which I have yearned for so long. Perhaps now there will be commercials that will speak TO ME, and I won't be so lonely. Crap like this makes you wish civilization would hurry up and collapse already.
  • I'm a MASHUM (Middle Aged Single Heterosexual Urban Male). And I wear my T-Shirt with that acronym in 5-inch high letters everywhere. I gets me a 5% discount at starbucks and on Franz Ferndinand CDs at Tower.
  • I love bicycles, does that make me a pedalphile?
  • Scanning . . . . No care found. |OK| |Restart| |Exit|
  • I think flowers are pretty. Petalphile?
  • I like backyard living. Patiophile.
  • I like to sort my Cornish pasties neatly in a pea-dough file.
  • Damn it! I just finally became a Hipster™, and now I've gotta buy a whole new GRUP wardrobe? Man, this shit sucks. I can see why the Generation Gap has existed for so long. Some days I yearn for the lifelong surety of yellow golf shirts and plaid slacks up to my nipples. And I like to stroke that weird musician named Yankovich. I'm a pet-Al-phile.
  • "Gee, my artsy slacker friends all have kids now. We need a new name to call ourselves." Selfindulgenttripefilter (and I'm a TenaciousPettlephile)
  • wearing my 7th grade sneakers is teh kewlness, but oh man are my dogs are barking... any pedaphiles out there wanna rub my feet?
  • I'm a Big Ol' Prostitute who just got a new couch delivered. Yay! Also...indie beards make you look like a stoned snake slowly devouring a troll doll, feet first. Thank you for listening to this Public Service Announcement. Remember kids...only you can prevent indie beards.
  • indie beards make you look like a stoned snake slowly devouring a troll doll, feet first Moneyjane for president!
  • "Grups," ya say? Round these here parts, we just calls 'em "adolescent lameasses" and pity their parents. *stirs martini with finger, waggles a congratulatory clean-shaven Fes-chin fetchingly in the general direction of a big 'ol prostitute with a new couch*
  • I like miniscule bathing suits on fat, florid and hairy drunken tourists - I'm a Speedophile. but I am not a Grup!
  • Didn't get beyond the first page. I had the feeling the mockery was itself based on a perception of unhipness, and I have no interest in that debate. And I'll freely admit that in the off-hours I behave a lot younger than I am. First, I didn't have the money to live the way I wanted to before, and I can do it (somewhat) now. Second, when I was younger, I was busy with studying and shit, and put off the partying. I've earned my right to play, so piss off. I'm no hipster. If you were paying attention, I was the one who never STOPPED wearing Converse. (And the new Neko Case is just FANTASTIC, if short. Way too short. Album is short, and the individual songs just get a great groove going, then stop. So lay off my Neko.)
  • Neal Pollack on the article: ...I sound like a lunatic nimrod in the article. Perhaps I was drunk when Adam Sternbergh interviewed me. Or high...
  • Well said, Generation Ass. heh.
  • Wow, three people commented in between the time I read Fes's comment and pushed 'post'.
  • And I was just being irredemeably, arbitrarily snarky. Just for the record.
  • Ugh, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to act my age anymore.
  • No. I hate that damn music and I can't stand children. But at least now I have a name for all those people (other than 'those damn emo freelancer kids.') After reading the article (I read it yesterday) I decided that it's sort of like hippies - they're playing adults but having arty jobs and not conforming politically/clothingly/musically to the period of life they're 'supposed' to be in. And if 80s TV taught me anything, it means they're going to end up raising a bunch of kids who are going to rebel in the worst possible way - Neocons. (shiver)
  • Mainstream Indie Slackers For Ideological Temperance M I S F I T /too clever for my cat //dont know what to rebel against now
  • <NedFlanders>Lousy beatniks.</NedFlanders>
  • I only stopped wearing converse a couple years back because I'm a weenie and needed more cushion. And I was never cool enough to be a hipster, so as I age, I get to be the weird old semi-artsy geek who the hipsters and kids frown upon, just like I once was the weird young semi-artsy geek who the hipsters and kids frown upon. Vive le difference!
  • Perhaps the grups are to blame for my inability to find normal adult clothing. It's either matronly pleated pants amply cut in the hips that narrow towards the ankles or low-riders that start out frighteningly tight in the thighs with a flare at the ankles. However, if they're responsible for the Saucony Jazz revival, I'll cut them a little bit of slack.
  • Sternbergh's writing reminds me of Ellis' in American Psycho....I'm scared. ...what's all this about Gurps pedophiles?
  • nifty read btw
  • I got to the bottom of this thread. /readophile
  • Ha, just now realized a beautiful music video I saw days ago and been playing again and again is for a Death Cab for Cutie song: What Sarah Said. Quicktime video
  • I like pidgins. Patoisphile.
  • Every time Death Cab plays, a baby emo cries.
  • If you think you're a Grup you're being fed a pile.
  • i thought 'we' were "twixters". remember that little gem? gah also, i didnt realize anyone over 13 shopped at abercrombie, but ok
  • I like to keep myself well-grounded so I wear a ground strap on my shoe. I am, as they say in french, a pied-au-fil.
  • I love those statues of Mary holding the lifeless body of Jesus. That's right: Pieta-ophile
  • Grup originally comes from an episode of the old Star Trek (Grown Ups) A Canadian study showed that a majority of Star Trek fans are pedophiles. Therefore Grups are pedophiles?
  • I really like 1015, if ya know what I mean *wink*.
  • I'm just going to cut to the chase and say 'PadThaiPhile'.
  • I have to admit it. I'm a suit. I wear office jackets. I would like a raise. I don't mind working more hours for more money (but alas, my job doesn't have paid OT; in fact, the management doesn't even acknowledge the existence of OT). That said, I still do retain several juvenile attributes. But I will never, never, ever, spend $450 on a pair of jeans that will fall apart in two weeks/months. If it doesn't give me at least two years of good hard wear, it's crap. I love mothninja's littlest dog. I'm a picophile!
  • From the Star Trek ep the word Grup comes from, Kirk: NO MORE BLAH BLAH BLAH! The pained expression on his face makes that one of the best line deliveries in TV history. (I don't know why I know these things, I just do)
  • Don't have a suit. Don't have jeans (no never had a pair; hate 'em) Don't have sneakers Don't have kids (tubes tied!) Don't have money Have friends half my age who think I'm only 5 years their senior. I'm not 10 anymore, in three days I'm the answer, but what was the question? I'm not a grub.
  • I apologize, but I am unable to comment on this issue, due to my inability to control the urge to blurt out "BONK BONK ON THE HEAD!" And really, once someone has floated a talking point which is both interesting and noteworthy, and you respond by blurting out "BONK BONK ON THE HEAD!" the whole conversation is pretty much scuttled. I found this out in person today.
  • Also - okay - listen - I am only going to say this once. The term "grups" in this context is completely backwards. In the original reference, the term "grups" refers to the actual grownups (anyone past the age of puberty, e.g. the crew of the Enterprise). Whoever coined the term "grups" to refer to very old children was obviously grasping for the term "lonelies." Okay? We're straight on this, right? Oh lord, I have to go lie down now. That hurt even me. I'm really sorry, everyone. Relurking in 3... 2... 1...
  • Don't relurk, hang about!
  • Skrik thank you with thatg succinct post you have, i think, made snese of the question i was trying to ask in curious george some time ago. For that I thank you, however - i'm not one of them am I? Am I? Can;t be still really don't care about what the clothes I wear say about me
  • I love mothninja's littlest dog. I'm a picophile! posted by Alnedra at 03:12AM UTC on March 30, 2006 He loves you too! (flickr self-link)
  • I actually met a girl (working in a garden centre) who was named Miri, after that episode. "A beautiful name... for a beautiful young woman." (cheesy Shatner gaze) Also, I like Irish bogs. I'm a peatophile.
  • I'm an Adobe document. I'm a pdf file.
  • I love chicks who are into the ethical treatment of animals. I love sandwiches made with pocket bread. I love the tanned hides of small furry animals with the fur still attached.
  • At first I thought MonkeyFilter: Kirk: NO MORE BLAH BLAH BLAH! But then it seemed MonkeyFilter: BONK BONK ON THE HEAD! (Plus mechagrue was way out there kickin' it ol' school) But then rocket's pun mad baby Jesus cry.
  • I like petebest, does that make me a...I'll get me coat.
  • Did anyone actually read the entire article? If you didn't read the entire thing, at least read the last page. Granted, the 'personality profiles' that they presented in the article made these people look like idiots, and the writer was actively caricturing the people. However, at the end you find out that these people are just trying to live their lives as passionately as they can instead of compromising their identities in order to cash in. They became disillusioned with the corporate lifestyle that eats your sould and demands conformity while offering no guaranteed stability in return. As much as the profile of the 'grup' doesn't reflect me, the idea of living your life on your own terms does.
  • I read the whole thing back before it was on Mefi (linked off DaddyTypes) and that last page, with the explanation, seemed like a bit of a copout to me. Essentially the writer is saying they're the hippies of the new millennium, except with careers. Maybe this is the result of flower children having children. Actually I was only going to say that I originally thought the article would be about people shopping at Ikea, "Grup" being some sort of dining suite.
  • I like those sharply defined folds of fabric you sometimes find in certain articles of clothing.
  • Heh.
  • Yo, Mechagrue!
  • What automatically disqualified the article for me was that, well, everyone they profiled was in fact a "creative type", and there's nothing new about that category not wearing suits. I mean, you can't use people who are actually in a well-known band as "people who are trying to live like indie rock stars into their 30s even though they aren't rock stars." Because the people in Ivy more or less ARE rock stars, if not terribly prominent or, you know, rockin' ones. The point would be made better if the author had managed to dig up a few examples who actually are lawyers, stockbrokers, etc. (Or if they had talked to my friend who is a law librarian, but wears hipster clothes to work.) Also, everyone profiled in the article was financially privileged. They didn't touch on a single person of that age who struggles to make ends meet, as many creative types do, especially outside of NYC (where work like that is scarcer and markets are conservative enough that you may have to "suit up" even if you have a creative job). Also, I am too-disorganized-to-file.
  • I love bicycles, does that make me a pedalphile? If you love bicycles and kids then maybe you are a psyclepath?
  • thank you all for the urine test submissions. they've been categorized. filed yo' pee