February 25, 2004

The Beach Boy's "Smile" Album 1966. Inspiration for Sgt. Pepper. Brian Wilson at his peak. Superlative. Superlative. Superlative. Etc. Have you Lived without this album??

I found this in a record shop in Italy and immediately bought it based on the hype. It's a great album, no doubt. I guess I was expecting something as polished as Sgt. Pepper, but that's not the case. I think part of the mystique is that everyone has to piece it together in their own way, imagining what Brian would have produced if it was ever released. And all this without those tracks Brian destroyed. I want my piano sandbox! Candybar milkshake! Stat!

  • Good post. I never heard about this album until yesterday, but I've been doing a lot of reading about it; it certainly sounds very interesting. I feel like I know it already now, due to the plethora of information on the internet about it.
  • that's one of the interesting things about it - people tend to get a lot about the album before seeing/hearing it. As in: when they recorded "Mrs. O'Leary's Cow" , they reportedly wore fire hats and had a bucket with burning wood in the studio to give it the ambience. Apparently a few fire trucks were heard outside the house - random coincidence(?) - which sort of freaked Brian out into thinking he'd started the fires.
  • see? See? I knew that.
  • In a related case, Prince is being sued for the profits of his recent successful tour by the guy who played keyboards while dressed as a surgeon.
  • We didn't start the fire It was always burning Since the world's been turning We didn't start the fire No we didn't light it But we tried to fight it *looks around Oh, were you discussing the Bleach Boys?
  • You found the stash, didn't you GramMa?
  • Mike Love is a total weenie!