February 25, 2004

If I Had A MONKEY ... the Best Source for Metaphorical Violence Against The Monkey You Don't Even Have in the Whole Wide World! (Don't miss the List of Evil.)
  • Mein eyes! Zee goggles do nothing! Ow. Seriously, ow. The color scheme was making my eyes bleed. I had to stop reading after the first few.
  • If I had a monkey I'd monkey in the morning I'd monkey in the evening All over the web I'd monkey out comments! I'd monkey out a main post! I'd monkey out love between all my brother(monkeys) and sister(monkeys) All over the web Wooo, oooh, oooh /folk-monkey
  • rock monkey
  • Notes SideDish is still among the missing...
  • Yes, bees, and I don't know that anyone knows why. I tried emailing her some time ago and got no answer. I think she stopped visiting soon after the Moooshy thread. I've wondered whether her wish to let Moooshy's supervisors know what was going on had something to do with her leaving us.
  • Wrote me a while back saying she was much busier with work now. Pesumably, things are hotter in journalism in Washington these days.
  • Ha ha, she's probably the source in the Fitzgerald case!
  • Ah Ol' Sidey. Lend me your kittens!