March 27, 2006

Today in Japanese Amputee Sex Doll news VERY VERY NSFW!!!one11!! Also unsafe for, well, anybody else.
  • I love the title of this "news." It's reminiscent of the type of fake newspaper headlines/stories that my English class had to create back in 5th grade: "Today in Hamster News!" etc.
  • and,even MORE UNSAFE for everyone at home, at work, or in the this page I found when poking around (no pun intended) from es el Queso's original link.. There are images here that amuse and frighten.... and many that just can't be understood at all.. count down to deletion..... 5.....4......3.......
  • Surprise! It's from . . . a blog!
  • You people who post links demeaning the fine people of Japan disgust me.
  • Huh? I don't understand demeaning of Ralph's last comment?
  • I don't understand es el Queso.
  • Ralph - are you sure he soesn't admire the freedin of the people of Japan. Just a thought.
  • I believe Ralph was referring to comments made in this thread.
  • And being all tongue-in-cheek-like.
  • Sorry to be dense, but are there really amputee dolls out there? I have heard that there are people who have fetishes about amputees, but I didn't think there was enough of a demand to actually justify a niche doll market for those unlucky enough to hook up with actual amputees. But then again, the Japanese have always been inscrutible.
  • The Candy Girl Light flash animation is strangely mesmerizing (and NSFW also, I'm guessing).
  • As long as the cooter isn't what's amputated, I'll order 8½ units of the Helena™ model. Anticipating an attack of Poster's Regret in 3... 2... 1... [Click!]
  • We all have attractions and fetishes which aren't shared by the majority of the population. It might be somewhat amusing to poke fun at the predilections of those mysterious 'others', but think about how much you'd be resentful and squeak if it were your own sexuality being mocked. Making efforts to denigrate the likes and dislikes of other people is a shallow habit that performs a defensive social task: if the spotlight is being shone elsewhere, then no-one is looking at you and your freaky ways. I feel pity, at best, for people who deride others for having satisfying, albeit somewhat unusual sex lives, and great satisfaction that more and more people who are considered aberrant are willing to stand firm at the risk of abuse.
  • I, on the other hand, have a people-who-deride-others-for-having-satisfying-albeit -somewhat-unusual-sex-lives fetish.
  • I didn't think I was mocking anyone, but for what it's worth, I enjoy the occasional suck on a compliant nose. (E-mail in profile, pls inc. photo of schnozz, ok?) People have the right - nay, the obligation - to express their sexuality in any manner they find satisfying.* Regardless of whether you do it through a hole in a sheet or a hole in a toilet stall wall, tried & true or still in beta, all of it is still sex. And sex is as funny as it is fun, no matter how ya does it. *So long as it's not exploiting/hurting anyone else, natch.
  • Technically a fetish is that without which the act cannot be performed. If that is a George Bush doll, you can bet I am going to laugh.
  • Odd. Very, very odd. You learn something new every day.
  • So are those, like, inserts? For, I'm assuming, washability? Or is it to insert a different make and model for the factory standard? Or both? And why am I asking in the first place?
  • And why am I asking in the first place? Aaaand we're done! Okay, thanks everybody!
  • Surprise! It's from . . . a blog! heh. funny.
  • And sex is as funny as it is fun, no matter how ya does it. Amen. I bet the most vanilla, non-titillating, utilitarian act of intercourse would look perverted and kinky to some people. Of course, while I do my best to respect anybody's specific urges and likes, still there are times when, after being exposed to specific fetishes and practices, I'm grateful to be of more, eh, simpler tastes... mmmmhh, pretty girls on fur costumes with bushy tails, jello pools... *cough*
  • Wow. They must really like Boxing Helena
  • I was just curious. I don't know people who are into amputees. I just don't understand the fetish, and am asking about it. Sorry for my presumption.
  • I don't know people into amputee fetish either, altho I know lots of perverts of various stripes. but I recently met a guy at a party who let me pee in his mouth (my entire drunken bladder-full) which had me like "ew!" but also, "hey, viva la difference!" what I personally REALLY can't understand is that whole adult baby/wear a diaper thing...WWWWEEEEEEEIRD!!!!
  • i'd hit it.
  • Sorry, I was more hoping to pre-empt the mockery than applying the discipline stick to anyone who'd posted before my first comment. Rereading this thread, what I wrote is rather unclear on that, and I apologise for anyone feeling, quite rightly, that I was addressing him or her specifically. I have a career in the sexual health industry and have a healthy dose of 'odd' paraphilias and fetishes as well. Belonging to other fora (forums, if that's your preference) and witnessing topics like this degrade into unbridled vilification within nanoseconds had me pre-braced for the debate. Also, I find much of human behaviour bizarre, fuck-related or no. Interaction in close quarters (streetcar, elevators, etc.) is generally freakish, bathroom habits tend toward polarisation, and even eating brings up the squick. I remember reading a Karen Finley anecdote years back in which she describes, as a child, being repulsed and fascinated by diners in restaurants and being compelled to approach windows near them and pantomiming vomiting to interrupt their otherworldly focus on the meal being consumed.
  • *quietly takes a whizz outside*
  • *Regrets sleeping under Wolof's porch*
  • I recently met a guy at a party who let me pee in his mouth Dude, I was passed out! Not cool.
  • why oh why do I let myself post while drunk??? sorry to regale you all with the sordid paraphilia (GREAT word, kelenkye!) of my bizarre life....
  • Ah, no worries Medusa; after all, it is just a slightly taboo, perfectly acceptable and healthy expression of love in our contemporary society... NSFW Quicktime video, link goes to SFW launch page.
  • I like split pea soup. With ham bits, cooked carrots and onions, oregano, pepper and salt. I am now going to try and forget the last three posts.