February 25, 2004

Mutant Bosnian brothers have extra kidneys! A pair of Bosnian guys who claim to be able to drink anyone under the table with no ill-effects apparently each have an extra set of fully functioning kidneys. Blimey!
  • Finally, practical applications for evolution that I can use every day. I wish the article had mentioned if they were twins. If they were, you can chalk it up to one set of genes, but if not, then the situation's pretty amazing. What're the chances of having the same (useful) mutation appear in two separate but related people?
  • Brak'lul !
  • Wot's amazing is that this hasn't been in any way substantiated by the reporter. These men of another kidney have not backed up their assertions with so much as a single (dare I say leaked?) bit of evidence from a physician or an ER report or an MRI. Which is wot I call non-news.
  • Duplex renal system. It's rare, but it happens as the result of a congential birth defect. It's actually more common to find 4 kidneys in transplant cases, where they don't replace the ailing kidneys and just add transplanted kidneys. I would think an extra liver would be more helpful for drinking pals under the table, but maybe extra kidneys limit the bathroom breaks. Anyone out there want to clarify this for me?
  • bees: it's ananova, the international e-quivalent of the Weekly world news. Remember the x-ray eyes girl? Still... /stranger things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy...
  • Duplex Renal System. i must run that through the "how bands got their names" link.
  • They have extra kidneys, but they are ruining them with all that heavy drinking.
  • Ha Ha, it's 2005, and I got here before Nickdanger. Phhhhutt! :P
  • does it really matter did he or didn't he just so he fetches jb a kidney
  • Bastards! And here I am, one kidney short.
  • To the bathroom, dear, make haste, make haste! lest that good Canadian beer goes all to waist!
  • Make water Make tea! Doesn't matter to me! It won't be disturbin' My neat whiskey bourbon!