March 24, 2006

16th C. Spanish ship found thanks to Hurricane Ivan. Another storm has exposed formerly-unknown parts of Louisbourg.
  • U.S. Navy construction crews have discovered the remains of a rare Spanish ship buried in the sand at a base in Florida. So the Spanish attacked a U.S. Navy base, and they blew up their ship. Where's the story? Neat find, thanks Capt.!
  • Every cloud has a...nm.
  • Wow. I say, wow.
  • It seems like there's been a recent flurry of ships, underground cities, tombs, Brooklyn Bridge bunkers, etc. being unearthed by construction crews. I love reading about them and I always hope that Nat'l Geographic will do a story replete with photos on each of them eventually.
  • Agree with kittenhead/b>, it'd be interesting to read more about these.