March 23, 2006

Vermonts platform cairns and stone chambers are mysterious lithic features that are not well known, but have caught the attention of archaeoastronomers and are even the basis of a horror novel.
  • Interesting.
  • neat stuff Kro-Bar, thanks! So . . . who did build them? *coyote howl*
  • How fascinating -- I want to see more. Who knew? Root cellars of the Vikings! Tombs of the Southern Inuit! Peripatetic Mound Builders! /imagination in full gallumph
  • And welcome, Kro-bar!
  • Yes, welcome -- welcome to all new monkeys!
  • Intriguing post, thanks and welcome Kro-bar!
  • Damn, one of the stone chambers is near me. Or was. Entrance. Interior. "NEARA members watch helplessly as it is destroyed". Kaput. This was in Marlboro, MA. There are others in the area listed, though, and some near my sister in NH and near where I grew up in NY. I had no idea about this stuff - definitely something to investigate further.
  • So . . they are . . . Viking . . things? Don't they even know how old they are?
  • I think that is where the old monkeys go to die...
  • Monkey Vikings? How old?
  • Interesting, would be fun to vist. Report back, Timefactor!