March 21, 2006

Simpsons not yet unprofitable, two more seasons ordered.
  • D'oh.
  • Looks like Fox delivered another dumptruck full of money to Groening's house.
  • The show's been total crap since about season 10. And you won't find a bigger Simpsons fan than ol' Koko here. Kill it, KILL IT!!! Seinfeld had the right idea.
  • Wow. I remember them being new, and now they've been on for over half of my life. Trippy.
  • easy there Koko - you never know - maybe they'll be the first show to jump backwards over the shark.
  • The show would be running so long that it would wrap around and become good again? Interesting idea ... *presses button under desk*
  • I have a copy of Mother Jones from way back, just as the series was about to debut. Cover story, nice pic of Bart together with Bongo. "Can Groening Survive Prime Time?" My retirement plan is a magazine.
  • I was pretty bug fan until about 4 years ago (the episode where Bart and Homer get tied together at the wrist as part of a court order) and I haven't gone back. I still watch DVDs of old episodes but new ones hold little to no interest to me. Viva Futurama. Purple monkey dishwasher.
  • I think that they should age all of the characters by about ten years. Bart and Lisa can be in high school, and Maggie can be in junior high. It would give them an abundance of new material. I understand that it would be next to impossible to draw aging characters. But to have them age all at once and then keep them there would be easy.
  • "I think that they should age all of the characters by about ten years." Oh, GOD no. Perhaps it's a little before your time, but they tried the same thing back in the 70s with Pebbles & Bam-Bam. Atrocious. They should just let the thing go altogether. Do a Halloween special every year, if they must, and leave it at that.
  • They did it with Rugrats too. See All Grown Up!.
  • I have a copy of Childhood is Hell, autographed by Groening with a drawing of Binky, from when I met him in Cambridge, MA in 1988. There's my retirement! Except I'm not gonna sell it.
  • Do a Halloween special every year, if they must, and leave it at that. But . . . but then Fox wouldn't make as much monneeeyyyyyy!! *stamps feet*
  • I've had a theory for many years that the world will end when The Simpsons goes off the air. Looks like we're safe for at least two more years!
  • I like many of the new episodes. Can they compare to Last Exit to Springfield, or Duff Gardens? No -- but could any show be expected to maintain that level of genius for 14 seasons? It's still the best show on television.
  • I feel bad for the voice actors.
  • Call me a foolish sentimental, but the episode when Homer's long lost mother resurfaces gets me teary eyed. The last scene, with him on the hood of his car... sheeez.
  • "It's still the best show on television." The best out of all genres, television including cable? Not a chance. One of the best free to air shows, for sure. But its place has slipped.
  • Flagpole . . that's it exactly. Everytime. *snif*
  • Meanwhile, a big-screen Simpsons is definitely in the works and will likely debut at the end of the series' run...whenever that happens to be. Sigh.
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