March 19, 2006

Architecture against Death. Because "people, particularly old people, shouldn't relax and sit back to help them decline".

Mikata. Yoro Park, Gifu. Shusaku Arakawa and Madeline Gins: "We next declare The Mechanism of Meaning in its entirety, together with the architectural constructions that came after it, a ready-made system for dismantling art and for reconfiguring it. Art exists for working out procedures that will help our species take charge of—radicalize—its own evolution. Perhaps you have heard the term "Reversible Destiny." Out it jumped at us, as direction and as a task, from this assertion, WE HAVE DECIDED NOT TO DIE.

  • I've only begun to dive into The Mechanism of Meaning, so I'm not even going to try to comment on it yet, but I must say there's something disturbingly Orwellian about this. Not to mention counterintuitive -- granted, we as a people (particularly my countrymen) suffer from, if anything, too much comfort, but I don't know that constant stress in your living conditions and the risk of fall or injury (particularly with the elderly) will do anything other than the exact opposite of prolonging life. Though I must say that I find the Bioscleave House actually looks pretty cool.
  • Well, that's just retarded. But the FPP is great. Thanx, quid.
  • Helping people remain active as long as possible sounds desirable, but living quarters designed to be this hazardous ... ? Think any of us could come up with safer ways to go about this sort of thing: don't park near the entrance to any public or commercial building you're going to, but in the far end of the lot or in a parking building, so you'll have to walk to get where you're headed. Don't use a chainsaw -- chop the firewood. Don't use a riding mower to cut the grass -- get a gas-free push mower. Vary the height of your household's seating, so everything's not all on the same level. Don't use a leaf blower, rake the stuff. Walk your dog. Walk your wife and kids. And so on. This project seems geared to counter the human (and animal) inclination to do things in ways that expend least energy. I think I like that part of it. However, their solution seems more extreme than is called for.
  • Meant to say I adore bright colours but do they have to be bright primary colours?
  • Do not go sens'ble into that good night, Old age should trip and fall 'bout once a day; Rage, rage against the level true and right. Though wise guys at their art know left is right, Because their work had fuckin' no caution they Do not go sens'ble into that good night. Odd men, the last fad by, crying how ee-light Their fey deeds might have fooled in the green day, Rage, rage against the level true and right. Child men who saught and said that day is night, and learn, to soon, they've given it all away, Do not go sens'ble into that good night. Knave men, far west, who see this fright'ning sight Wild eyes could glaze like realtors and 'twould pay, Rage, rage against the level true and right. And you, designer, there on the great height, Pray, bless me now with your arrears, I say. Do not go sens'ble into that good night. Rage, rage against the level true and right. with abject apologies
  • Excellently done, islander! And most )))-worthy!
  • Fantastic! And no need to apologise, islander! Thomas is DEAD - he never would take his own advice.
  • Well done, islander old boy! Why can't I get my Sims houses to look like that?
  • That apartment will go over SO well with the osteoporosis crowd.
  • You're not moving ME into that place, you young whippersnappers. I know what you're up to. You're outta the will now. **shakes cane**