March 19, 2006
A large and previously unknown reservoir of water ice
may have been found below the surface of Mars, new radar observations suggest. You can use the new Google Mars to prospect the sites for yourself. You'll have to, because the astonishing longevity of the twin Martian Rovers looks to be coming to an end, and they won't be able to help you.
Also, the High Res Stereo Camera on board ESA's Mars Express spacecraft has taken new video footage and different still perspectives of an unusual hourglass-shaped crater on the red planet indicative of ancient glaciation. Shaping up for a shitload of water on Mars. And you know what that means. Ponies.
This is also good news! If we find life on Mars AND Enceladus we can make them fight!
"There. Those are the Martians." Our reflections in the water of Mars. I think this means that we'll be going there in the not too distant future. Might seem obvious, but with large stores of ice being found it really does make colonisation feasible in a large scale.
Always liked Ray Bradbury's Martian tales. If there's water there might be interesting forms of life there.
That front wheel actually stopped working on Spirit quite a while ago, and from what I hear by the watercooler, they're confident that they can get to a good north-facing slope before the winter really sets in, but the last thing they want to do is tell the press "we should be able to make it" when there really is a significant chance of not making it. Not worse than 50/50, I'd guess that it's got probably a 75% chance of making it, but who wants to promise on a 25% chance of failure?
Awesome! I can't wait for my expensively-priced bottle of "Marstesian water" to be sold at my local grocery store!
If Mars has ice then it must have had waters before the suface was froze, and if it was wet there may have been otters though what kind nobody knows.
Giant red Martian Otters with lasers for eyes! W00t!!11!!
Get your ass to Mars!
C.S. Lewis' space trilogy features some ottery folk. Out of the Silent Planet, if I recall correctly.
The thing that everyone is missing, is that this means on Mars we will finally be able to get a decent Manhattan cocktail.
Served by laser space otters?
I like my Manhattans cold, the Martians a little 'otter! Eh??? Eh!!11!
*blinks, sips Martiattan* Wot?
More evidence for water on Mars. And some pictures, which will probably try to resize your browser.
And personally, I prefer a Marstini.
How about a Black Martian?
A spacecraft orbiting Mars has scanned huge deposits of water ice at its south pole so plentiful they would blanket the planet in 36 feet of water if they were liquid, scientists said Thursday.
Holy shit. Water = Life. I believe that our grandchildren will find the universe, once thought to be barren, to be teeming with life.
If there's ice at the poles, and desert elsewhere, then there's liquid water somewhere in between.
Meh, if there's life, I doubt if they'll be impressed.
Caves may have been discovered on Mars, and would be able to protect primitive life forms.
Mars Rover Investigates Signs of Steamy Martian Past
Ah..... Yeah. Interesting. Whew! Good thing I clicked on the link before calling my press agent. For a minute there, I though hommy had found out about that sleazy off-planet tryst in the late '80s.
We all saw things we wouldn't believe...
The Coolest Picture Ever. Wow. Just. Wow.
Shivers, I tells ya! Shivers!
For those who tweet, this is fun to follow.
My idea. No, really.
Another amazing fact to think about is that both objects were moving at incredible speeds. In different directions. And they still got the shot. Can you imagine how the folks working on this project felt when this image came through......
Best day ever!!
Whoa goddamn.
Those dust devils belong in a Sergio Leone movie.
Mars farts.
OK... But what is spring like on Jupiter?
NASA Mars rover spots its ultimate destination
Mars Rover Spirit May Never Wake from Deep Sleep
That story just gets sadder all the time. Thanks a lot Wall-E for making me anthropomorphise every goddamn robot.